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那座红顶房子属于一家养老院。The red-roof houses belong to an old people's home.

几年前,汉纳把她母亲送到了养老院。Hannah had to place her mother in a nursing home years ago.

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来自唐山的义工们为养老院做出了很多贡献。Volunteer from Tangshan contributes a lot to the nursing house.

她给了我养老院的名字,我拨通了电话。She gave me the name of the nursing home, and I called the number.

你和同学们在陈教师的率领下分头去公园、养老院、医院做坏事。You and the students in teacher Chen led cent head to go to the park.

您可以在您的医院,留产院或养老院投你的票。You can cast your vote at your hospital, maternity home or rest home.

如果从退休到养老院或坐轮椅就是一切,这又有什么意义?If it's all to retire into a hospice or a wheelchair, what's the point?

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养老院在马朗戈,离阿尔及尔八十公里。The Home for Aged Persons is at Marengo , some fifty miles from Algiers.

失禁警报通过文字信息或养老院的传呼系统发送出去。Alerts are sent via text message or over the institution's paging system.

一些年轻人把他们年老的父母送到养老院。这是很不孝顺的。Some young persons send their old parents to resthome. It's very unfilial.

此外,我们还可以拜访养老院,发掘那里的所有智慧。Furthermore, we can visit a nursing home and discover all the wisdom there.

大约三年前髋骨骨折后她就搬进了养老院。She moved into a nursing home after breaking her hip about three years ago.

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在德国盖尔森基兴小镇的养老院,一位妇女正在喂一头名叫Felix的猪。A woman feeds a pig called Felix in a retirement home in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

我也会一直守护着他们”她发誓从来没有考虑过养老院。I will always be there for them.” She’d never consider a nursing home, she vowed.

我记得汉娜数年以前将她的母亲送到一家养老院,"女人说,"如果你和他们联系,他们可能会找到她女儿。"Maybe if you got in touch with them, they might be able to track down the daughter.

护理养老院已经人满为患了,谁愿意接受有前科的人呢?Nursing care homes already are full. Who would be willing to accept former convicts?

一些年轻人把他们年老的父母送到养老院。这是很不孝顺的。Some young people send their aged parents to resthome. It is very unfilial for parents.

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例如,古都南京,1990年有27家养老院,10年后,52家。The ancient capital of Nanjing, for example, had 27 homes in 1990 and 52 a decade later.

在福岛县南相马,在一个养老院里发现了97名死者。In Minamisoma, in Fukushima Prefecture, 97 residents of aretirement home were found dead.

和你联系的男士们看上去就像是刚从牢里放出来,或者是来自养老院。The only guys contacting you look like they've been let out of jail or a retirement home.