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弥勒榻一般体形较大,又有无束腰和有束腰两种类型。Maitreya couch General larger body, waist and no waist and two types.

传说此佛像,是弥勒菩萨亲手所制。This statue had been reportedly hand sculpted by Maitreya Bodhisattva.

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本文探讨了说一切有部对弥勒菩萨的态度。This paper studies the Sarvastivadins's opinion of the worship of Maitreya.

在印度现在则有人计画在菩提迦耶城建一尊有154米高的弥勒菩萨塑像。The statue will be 154 metres high, thereby dominating the skyline of Bodh Gaya.

大师,是弥勒主,是佛陀,但是它又是超越所有这些形式的。H. , it is the Lord Maitreya, it is the Buddha, and yet it is beyond all these forms.

海洋被预知是尺寸减少,允许弥勒自由地在它们中间驰骋。The oceans are predicted to decrease in size, allowing Maitreya to traverse them freely.

为了让世界意识到弥勒的到来,众多的条件必须具备。In order for the world to realize the coming of Maitreya, a number of conditions must be fulfilled.

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中国弥勒信仰的一大特点是肯定人生的现生快乐,这正是它吸引大众的原因之一。With its two to affirm happiness to the living, which formed the main reason why it was so popular.

本课程主要是探讨合法政府的问题,卢梭的社会契约论和弥勒对自由的论述是本课程的研读教材。This course is about the legitimacy of a state. We will read J. Rousseau's Social Contract and J. S.

这种状况下,守玄想睡觉是弥勒祖师在为我们催眠,再不睡健康就要亮红灯了。In this situation, feeling sleepy during the practice is Maitriya Buddha's blessing to make us sleep.

作为新时代的预兆,弥勒在兜率天等待他最终的成佛,亦即他的“天堂的喜悦”。The harbinger of a new age, Maitreya awaits his final rebirth as a Buddha in Tushita, his 'Heaven of Joy'.

塔儿寺藏语称“衮本贤巴林”,意为十万佛像弥勒洲。Tibetan temple tower abuse "of the gun-yin Bahrain", which means hundreds of thousands of Maitreya Buddha Island.

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庙分东西两院,东为弥勒院,西为红门宫,中由飞云阁相连。West and East, the temple houses the East for the Maitreya Institute, West of Red Gate Palace, connected by Fei Court.

若能专注到百分之十以上,就足以和弥勒祖师感应道交。One percent or one hundred percent concentration makes the difference whether you can be connected with Maitriya Buddha or not.

弥勒又称为慈氏,因其常修慈心,而得此三昧故。Maitreya Bodhisattva is also entitled Compassionate man, because he always cultivates compassionate mind and obtain this samadhi.

那是在建设瑞岩风景区前夕,一到瑞岩,阳光正好从瑞岩的背后出来,弥勒的头因此而生光。That was in the building juiyen scenic eve of a Swiss rock from the sun is behind the Swiss rocks, and therefore Maitreya the first-born.

弥勒是一位菩萨,一些佛教徒甚至相信将会出现在地上,成就完全的觉悟,教导纯正的教法。Maitreya is a bodhisattva who some Buddhists believe will eventually appear on earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma.

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弓裔对弥勒的信仰日益坚决固执,并且亲身编撰经典,援用为国度法典。The belief of maitreya bow descent, and increasingly resolutely stubborn personally compiled for the kingdom, avail himself of the classic code.

圣泉山观音寺位于圣泉山后峰弥勒顶东侧谷内,为规整的两进四合院。Holy Spring Buddhism Guanyin Temple was located in the valley that is to the east of back peak, Maitreya Top. Its a standard two levels Siheyuanr.

弥勒信仰在新疆以及后来在中国内地能够广泛传布、历久不衰,是与救世主思想分不开的。The Saviour thought contributed a lot for Maitreya Faith to spread widely with a long lasting vigor in Xinjiang and, afterwards, in inner part of China.