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坎波斯是员工责任制的强烈支持者。Campos is a strong proponent of employee accountability.

这就是管理工作和责任制的意义。This is what is meant by stewardship and accountability.

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第四章是家庭联产承包责任制思想。Chapter four is the thought of household responsibility system.

霍尔德的声明或许更预示着责任制新时代的到来。Mr Holder’s announcement may even herald a new era of accountability.

为支持家庭联产承包责任制,人民公社制度最终被废除。The commune system was gradually abandoned in favour of family farming.

目的探讨实施“护士岗位责任制”的方法与效果。Objective To evaluate the effects of the nurse post responsibility model.

并在全厂实行了人事制度、分配制度和经济责任制承包方案。The distribution system and economic contract had been carried in the plant.

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它是继家庭联产承包责任制以后我国农村的第二次制度创新。It is another innovation after the he family contracted responsibility system.

民主的责任制已经成为可有可无的次要美德。Democratic accountability has become a secondary virtue, desirable but expendable.

如何进一步完善和落实党风廉政建设责任制是一个新的课题。It's a new task how to perfect and fully put into effect the responsibility system.

认真落实产品质量安全责任制。We will diligently follow the accountability system for product quality and safety.

这三个领域中的透明度和责任制是达到长期的成功的关键。Transparency and accountability for these three areas are critical for long-term success.

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协助部党组做好国家铁路党风廉政建设责任制的落实和组织协调工作。To assist the Ministry’s leading Party group in building a clean and honest railway Party.

主诉检察官办案责任制是对我国原有检察制度的重大突破。The main-suit procurator system is an important breakthrough in the China's procuratorial system.

根据工作变化,适时修改本岗位和下属的岗位责任制。Modify the job description of both the chief and the subordinate of this section, to meet changes.

第二十条矿山企业必须建立、健全安全生产责任制。Article 20 Mining enterprises must establish and improve the safe production responsibility system.

家庭联产承包责任制对中国农业现代化道路的积极作用。Family-contract responsibility system plays positive role to China's agricultural modernization road.

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注重强化经济责任制,有效地调动了职工的生产积极性。Paying attention to consolidate economic responsibility system mobilizes the enthusiasm of the staff.

联产承包责任制的推行,为土地使用权的流转创造了前提条件。The join contract system creates the prior conditions for the circulating and transferring of use right.

认真落实党风廉政建设责任制,形成防止和惩治腐败的合力。There is the need to carry the fight against corruption further and build a clean and honest government.