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冢本拿到大鼎后将邬家满门灭口。The mound to the big house ManMen after wu kill.

是因为她怕她们发现她的弱点而想杀人灭口吗?To silence them in case they had noticed something?

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贞儿得知有人要杀章平灭口,怀疑他知道不少秘密。The zhen son learned that someone wants to kill ZhangPing to kill that he knew a lot of secrets.

护法看见随从完成任务后,非常高兴,随即拔刀刺向他,想把随从杀人灭口。Dharma saw after completion of tasks, very happy, and then draw out a sword stab to his, want to after death.

中村功没有小林杀人的证据,为了以免莫翻译官被灭口,索性将他关了起来。No Lin murderer village work, in order to avoid the evidence the translation by them, will he shut up altogether.

约翰赶到艾伦家,正好遇上杀手使用新式武器要杀人灭口。John rushes to the Allan family, happen to meets the murderer to use the new style weapon to silence a witness of crime.

于是他教唆毛家民杀人灭口,一来许争能够做本人的替罪羊,二来对上面也好有个交代。The disposal So he abetted MaoGuMin kill people kill, a come make can do for my scapegoat, and secondly above to explain it.

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然而数天之后,他们自己却在阴暗的环境、说是该国最安全的监牢之一被灭口。Days later they were themselves murdered in murky circumstances in what purported to be one of the country's most secure jails.

对于杀人原因,龚德勇称是因为他经常到这里玩,吴某认得他,所以才杀人灭口。Reasons for the murder, Gongde Yong said it was because he often went to play here, Wu recognize him, so just kill the witness.

何秀害怕房成杀人灭口,便告诉房成自己已经将蔷薇的身世告诉了一个朋友,如果她出事这个朋友就会把一切说出去。How to show real fear into murdered, he told the real story will have his Rose told a friend, if she had the friend will put it all out.

江龙来找冈田,告诉他此次朝廷派来高剑雄抗倭,一定是明德让剑雄来杀了他们灭口。The river dragon come to Mr Okada, tell him the court sent Gao Jianxiong illustrious, must be mingde let male sword to kill them to kill.

这位警长,将结合绑票犯和灭口魔,对唐恩和南西子以意料不及的凶恶残酷。The sergeant, guilty of kidnapping for ransom, and silence will combine magic, son of Nancy Dunn and vicious cruelty to less than expected.

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刘焱因为不断引发案件,令以铿担心会因而惹祸上身,最终以铿命令启源尽快处决刘焱灭口。Liu Yan because growing cases and worrying to his likely in trouble, finally to his command and executed Liu Yan to kill as soon as possible.

大莉早已将一山锁着,本要杀他灭口,一山求大莉让他写信给丁日,附带给石柔阅读,并送上唇印。Have a big Jasmine locked mountain, the mountain to kill him, for he wrote to let Ding big jasmine, with soft stone to read, and send lipstick.

至多,绝对需要灭口时,我们有时会把一片剃须刀片偷偷地送到牢房里去。At most, when it is absolutely necessary that someone should be silenced, we are occasionally able to smuggle a razor blade into a prisoner's cell.

肥仔妈捡起沾满血迹的画本,仔细的刀锋发现画本中有一页被人撕去,顿时明白娜乌是被犹大灭口。Fat boy stained with blood of mother picked up HuaBen, careful of blade found in HuaBen a page was tear, immediately understand na uzziah was judah jails.

他们只好把刀疤脸的尸体带回去,曾念安让手下的人立刻将刀疤脸埋了,不能让别人误会是他杀人灭口。They had to take back the body of the facial scar and Ceng Nianan let people immediately buried scar face, cant let others misunderstanding is he covered up.

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王天木说,白崇禧部的密码并没有进过修改,这说明那是白大怡惧于家人被军统灭口而采取的迂回策略。Wang Tianmu said Bai Chongxi Department password and not modified, it shows that it is a circuitous strategy Bai Dayi fear in my family was juntong to kill and take.

上个月一名叫李响的记者离奇死亡,他生前曾经参与过地沟油的调查报道,关于地沟油制造者杀人灭口的猜测如今充斥着中国互联网。The mysterious death last month of Li Xiang, a reporter investigating the phenomenon, fuelled suspicions among Chinese internet users of an attempt by criminals to silence him.

张富贵“恰好”出手一刀就捅死了逃犯以灭口,虽然刘汉有所怀疑,但毕竟没有证据也只能作罢,让郑婷婷带铁蛋上了学。Zhang Fugui "just shot a knife stabbed to kill the fugitive, although Liu Han doubt, but there is no evidence can only give up, let Zheng Tingting take iron eggs on the school."