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而你的腿在车的轮辐里。And your legs are in the spokes.

我必须重新做两根轮辐和一个轮毂。Two new spokes and a hub must be made.

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不去理会轮辐,安住在中心,那才是真实的。Let go of the spokes. Live in the center. That is the real.

介绍了一种轮式起重机轮辐自动分度冲孔模。An automatic dividing punch mould for wheel crane spoke is described.

他自行车车轮上的轮辐丢了,得再买一个装上去。A spoke on his bicycle was lost, so he had to buy another one and fix it.

使用水平切边模具,可以完成轮辐的水平切边加工。With horizontal trimming die, horizontal trimming pro- cess can be fulfilled.

它看上去十分像围绕由两班牙峰和岩脉山所构成的轮毂的轮辐。It is much as spokes of wheels around hubs formed by spanish peaks and dike mountain.

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之所以把这些土星B环上小云团称为“轮辐”是因为他们看上去很像自行车车轮上的辐条。They dubbed these features in Saturn's B ring "spokes" because they looked like bicycle spokes.

犯人被绑在车轮上,手脚顺着轮辐伸直。The criminal would be attached to a cart wheel and his arms and legs stretched out along the spokes.

车门面板和方向盘轮辐的金属色与其它外饰相映成辉。Metallic accents on the door panels and steering wheel spokes are another link to the exterior design.

本发明适用于制造轮式工程机械车轮辐板。The invention is suitable for manufacturing the spoke plate of the wheel type construction machinery vehicle.

并且,在星系的红色旋臂和旋臂间螺旋状的轮辐中可以看到被新生恒星加热的尘埃。And, the galaxy's red spiral arms and the swirling spokes seen between the arms show dust heated by newborn stars.

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用于打包和部署资源的轮辐式模型使用后备进程来定位合适的资源。The hub and spoke model for packaging and deploying resources uses a fallback process to locate appropriate resources.

政府部门位于城市正中心,围绕着“轮辐”状的博物馆,办公室和酒店。Government buildings, situated in the middle of cities, would be surrounded by "spokes" of museums, offices, and hotels.

该SNEP运行在一个枢纽轮辐网状结构,为移动士兵提供超视距视野。The SNEP will operate in a hub-spoke and mesh architecture to provide beyond line-of-sight range extension to OTM users.

广州南沙体育馆屋盖采用了新型的双层轮辐式空间张弦预应力钢屋架。The new-type double layers wheel shape beam strings prestressed steel roof truss was used in Guangzhou Nansha Gymnasium.

然后给出了非线性稳态的最大轮辐电流计算公式,并据此分析了负载限制型磁绝缘线振荡器的最大效率。Then the formula of the maximum spoke current is given, and the maximum efficiency of the load-limited MILO is analyzed.

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佛山体育中心新体育馆屋面是轮辐式的全张拉索膜结构。The wheel-spoke shaped integral pretension cable-membrane structure is adopted in the new stadium of Foshan sports center.

分析了汽车轮辐工艺特性,论述了汽车轮辐自动分度冲孔模结构特点和工作原理。The article analyzes the technologic property of the spoke of the car, and describes character and working principle of the die.

他们应该很乐意这样做,如果你买了他们轮辐集,有一个从他们那里买的辐条受益。They should be happy to do this if you're buying a set of spokes from them and there's a benefit to buying the spokes from them.