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但它的反面也是正确的。But so is its opposite.

每枚奖章都有反面/凡事有利有弊。Every medal has its reverse.

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爱的反面是恨。The antipode of love is hatred.

学生是社会的反面体现。These students are the reverse.

那他一定也是一位反面角色吧。He must have been a villain too.

把中间的尖角折到反面去。Fold tips of corners in toward middle.

请注意本页反面的规章。Please notice the regulations overleaf.

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忘我主义的反面是自私自利。Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.

密特拉教是STO版本的反面。Mithraism was the reversal of the STO version.

把它们想成是能量饮料的反面。Think of them as the oppositeof energy drinks.

50便士硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.

硬币反面的图案是个戴皇冠的狮子。The 50p coin has a crowned lion on its reverse.

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对于典型的交易者来说,只有反面才是真实的。For the typical trader, just the opposite is true.

柔性决定论者怎么面对这个反面意见呢?。How can the soft-determinist meet this objection ?

如果真要这样做,标签应该贴在反面。If anything, the label should be on the other side.

奥尔特将反面影响刻画为交学费。Mr. Alter describes the fallout as 'paying tuition.

裆内,弹力棉布料反面,透气,贴心。Crotch, stretch cotton fabric, breathable, intimate.

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事实上,许多证据支持其相反面。In fact, there's plenty of evidence to the contrary.

最后,它对强有力的反面证据视而不见。Lastly, it ignores overwhelming evidence to contrary.

英国十便士硬币的反面有一狮子图案。The British ten-pence piece has a lion on the reverse.