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吴邦国邀请奥卡沙参议长和更多的摩洛哥参议员访问中国。Wu invited Okacha and more Moroccan senators to visit China.

口腔干燥可经常用麦冬,沙参等中药泡茶饮用。Dry mouth can often Ophiopogon japonicus, such as Chinese medicine Shashen tea drinking.

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目的优化泰山沙参中水溶性多糖的提取工艺并测定其含量。Content Determination of Total Flavonoids and Polysaccharides in Radix Codonopsis Lanceolatae from Mount Taishan.

益气养阴时治疗上多运用六君子汤加沙参、麦冬等养阴之品“。When qi and nourishing Yin treatment by six gentlemen tonga straight ladybell, dwarf lilyturf Yin "quality", etc.

结果表明性状鉴定是沙参类生药鉴定的简便、有效的方法。The results show that the morphological identification is a simple and effective method identified the roots of Adenophora.

目的优化泰山沙参中水溶性多糖的提取工艺并测定其含量。Objective Optimize orthogonal design was used to evaluate the influence of different variables affecting the water soluble polysaccharide of A.

在不同生境条件下的固定样地内,观察分析了裂叶沙参种群的地上部分在一个生长季的生长过程和物候特点。In the fixed sample plot at different habitats, the growing process of an endangered species, Adenophora lobophylla Hong population was observed.

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通过比较桔梗科已有的大量细胞学资料认为该类群应该与风铃草属和沙参属所代表的类群关系较近。By comparing with other cytological data of Campanulaceae , this species is probably tetraploid and the genus Homocodon maybe close to Campanula and Adenophora in phylogeny.

根据对12个形态性状的统计分析和10个基因位点的等位酶检测,探讨了濒危植物裂叶沙参及其近缘广布种泡沙参的遗传多样性水平。Genetic diversity in the endangered Adenophora lobophylla and its widespread congener, A potaninii was investigated based on 12 morphological characters and 10allozyme loci.

1984年9月,西北石油局在塔北的沙参2井实现了我国古生代海相碳酸盐岩古潜山油气田首次重大突破后,开创了油气勘探的新领域。A new petroleum exploration domain has been started after well Shacan-2, which was drilled in the Paleozoic marine carbonates in northern Tarim Basin, was successful in September 1984.