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吟唱人生悲喜交加。Singing and joyful life.

如今春之歌依然吟唱。When songs of spring are sung.

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正为聋耳的阿伯拉罕吟唱。Chanting to Abraham's deaf ear.

那时春之歌正在甜美吟唱。Sweet songs of spring were sung.

耶稣和门徒们吟唱这首赞美诗。The disciples sang this with Jesus.

牧师吟唱弥撒曲。The priest celebrates Mass in church.

就象那冬梅吟唱着早春的歌声。As it Dongmei sang songs of early spring.

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让清风对我吟唱你芳名。And the wind will whisper your name to me.

他未屈尊吟唱,示灵魂以假象。He deign'd not to belie his soul in songs.

吟唱战争伟业和尚武精神。To deeds of arms the martial spirit fired.

见吟游诗人职业说明中吟唱能力。See Bardic Music in the bard class description.

我听见每一只美人鱼自顾自地吟唱。I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each.

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“金钱买不来我的爱情,”甲壳虫乐队这样吟唱。“Money can’t buy me love, ” crooned the Beatles.

你能否籍大山的千重回响吟唱?Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?

台下的听众跟着歌声低声吟唱。The audience evencrooned to the rhythm of the songs.

台下的听众跟着歌声低声吟唱。The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs.

吟唱“嗡”,对我曾是最有效的办法。Chanting Om has been the most effective method for me.

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给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣的随性之歌。Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

青翠蔓延的葡萄藤总是轻声吟唱。The lush trailing grapevines are always humming along.

宿命注定了彼此,青春的祭奠,空梦的吟唱。Fate destined each other, youth Festivals, empty dream.