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杰克已告发了他。Jack has dimed on him.

叛徒!你做奸细告发了我们。Traitor! You ratted on us.

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她被告发为贼。She was denounced as a thief.

我告发了崔先生的腐败行为。I charged Mr. Choi with corruption.

她向警方告发他是一个间谍。She delated him to the police for a spy.

他向警察局告发了这个坏女人。He denounced the bad woman to the police.

那个胆小鬼告发了和他一起干活的工人。That coward ratted on his fellow-workers.

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受害人去向警方告发了。The victim beefed and went to the police.

她向当局告发了她的丈夫。She split on her husband to the government.

因有人告发,我抓到了他。I arrested him on whom someone had squealed.

这说闲话的人正是告发考试中说话的人。Those making the idle talk are all old fogies.

阴沟是阴险的,可以告发你。The sewer is treacherous and tells tales of you.

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哈克,莫夫·波特不知道出事了,他怎么能告发呢?Huck, Muff Potter don't know it. How can he tell?

真不敢相信,我最好的朋友竟然告发了我!I can't believe that my best friend ratted on me!

我不希望别人说我告发了同伙。I don't want it to be said I grassed on my mates.

费总,我把月报告发给您了。Sir, I have sent the month report to you by email.

他告发他的邻居帮助罪犯。He denounced his neighbour for helping the criminal.

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这个年轻人向警察部门告发了一起夜盗案。The young man snitched on the burglary to the police.

我必将向经理告发你不守时。I shall have to report your unpunctuality to the manager.

蒂姆·琼斯看见我们在抽烟就去老师那里告发了我们。Tim Jones saw us smoking and ratted on us to the teacher.