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绣波峰门襟底部。Embroidered crest at placket bottom.

适应再流焊与波峰焊。Suit for reflow and wave flow solder.

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浮标处于海浪波峰时的示意图Upper float elevated on crest of wave

无铅波峰焊接制程的坚强后盾。The strong support of PB-FREE wave soldering.

适应再流焊和波峰焊。Available for reflow soldering and wave soldering.

波峰焊,符合无铅焊接。Wave soldering, compatible with lead free soldering.

在波峰开始时,门电路打开。The component gate opens at the beginning of the peak.

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正象波峰有高潮一样,它也有波谷。And just as each wave has a crest, it also has a trough.

波峰焊是用于通孔类型产品。The wave soldering is used in through-hole type product.

肋手钩纱提出在波峰和波谷。The ribbed crochet raises up peaks and valleys in the yarn.

这意味着既回流焊和波峰焊使用。That means both reflow soldering and wave soldering are used.

良好的管理为回流焊和波峰焊温度曲线及温度曲线量测板。Good management for reflow and wave profile and profile board.

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过锡炉和波峰焊过程中遮蔽保护金手指。For protecting gold finger in the process of manufacturing PCB.

碧绿的波峰托起白色的浪花扑向这边的礁石。Hold green crest of the wave toward the white side of the reef.

我需要手工重新绘制的波峰和盾牌集高品质。I need a set of crests and shields redrawn by hand, in high quality.

确定了几种无铅合金焊料最佳的波峰焊温度。Temperature selection of lead-free alloys in wave soldering is introduced.

有半月形和谷波峰和云的一些甜图片。Got some sweet pictures of the half-moon and the valley crest and the clouds.

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采用波峰焊工艺可能会对先期焊接的表面贴装元件造成损伤。Through hole components welding using traditional manual welding or soldering.

银行对房屋的收回四月份已经下降,但预计今年将有一个波峰。Though repossessions by banks were down in April, a spike is expected this year.

线条的长度显示她跑了多远,波峰波谷显示她的速度变化。Its length shows how far she's gone, and the peaks and valleys reflect her speed.