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詹姆斯.卡维尔担起了这个重任。James Carville took it on.

这项重任现在落在了阿普赛克先生的肩上。That job now falls to Mr Apotheker.

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原始的产甲烷菌足以担当这个重任吗?Were primordial methanogens up to the task?

承担重任首先需要自信。Take on the task first need self-confidence.

现在阿巴斯即将离开,谁将接下重任?After Mr Abbas steps down, who will take over?

他还不能担当写出伟大诗作的重任。He's not yet up to the task of a great poem yet.

千寻毅然接受帮他洗澡的重任。Chihiro decided to accept help him take a shower.

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现在,有些技术已经完善,可以担此重任了。However, some technologies are now getting close.

但我们不应让她一个人来承担这个重任。But we cannot let her carry this burden on her own.

现在问题在于,是伊拉克军队有能力承担这一重任吗?The question now is, are Iraqi forces up to the job?

我们百周年領导扶輪地区的重任。Each of you was selected by your district to be here.

如果中国不愿拍马来救,很难想象谁还能担此重任。If China doesn't step up, it's hard to think who could.

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她征询卫斯里究竟推荐何人来担当此重任。She asked Wesley to recommend someone for the position.

我很幸运,能够得到大家的尊敬,并且被委以实施变化的重任。I'm lucky to be respected and empowered to enable change.

他们承担着推介中国—亚欧博览会的重任。The preparation work of China-Eurasia Expo is in full swing.

她已卸掉了部长的重任。She has been disburdened of her responsibility as a minister.

该起重机为SCC4000型履带起重机,由中国上海三一集团设计生产,将承担起吊救援舱的重任。The crane is a SCC4000 crawler made by Shanghai's Sany Group.

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我们女子篮球队就快要比赛。这次真是身付重任啊!Today I am so happy. Because I like play basketball very much.

他成为他们的喉舌,身负重任。He's become their mouthpiece, and it's a lot of responsibility.

二月红因为张启山身负重任,决定替他进去。Red because February Zhang Qishan work, decided to take him in.