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许多人都义愤填膺,溢于言表。Many were audibly outraged.

亨利的内疚溢于言表。Henry's guilt was scored across his face.

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他愉快地笑着,幸福溢于言表。His smile beamed and his happiness resonated.

看到他们的儿子回来,小孩妁父母感激之情溢于言表。Seeing their son back, the boy's parents showed their gratitude.

哈萨克斯坦对吉尔吉斯斯坦新政权的鄙夷之情溢于言表。His country can barely hide its disdain for the new Kyrgyz regime.

她露出惊异的表情,仿佛看到了某种溢于言表的美丽景象。Her expression is AMAZED, as if seeing something so beautiful it can never be explained.

当大门打开时,他站在门的那边,喜悦之情溢于言表。And when the gates are opened, there He stands on the other side, and the affections are huge.

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当我团最后一名成员顺利通关,我们心里对您油然产生难以溢于言表的感激!After the one member passed the Customs finally, we relaxed and we appreciated for you ABSOLUTELY.

人们买它是因为它是真品,他们可能是对的,心虚之情溢于言表。"Obviously people bidding on this thought it was authentic, " Brunk said, "and they are probably right. "

查尔·布鲁克斯2004年加入朗梅尔,成为董事之一,谈到这些葡萄藤时,他的热情和自豪溢于言表。Zar brooks who joined the Langmeil board as a Director in 2004 speaks about the vines with passion and pride.

喜迎每一次的外出与归来,在香柏木的馨香飘散下,欢欣愉悦溢于言表。Celebrate every time to go out and returned in the fragrance of cedar, drift, joy and pleasure and loneliness.

由于一路风景单调,对即将到达的车站,旅客们的欢喜之情溢于言表。Thanks to the monotony of the vista, imminent station stops were greeted with audible relief by the passengers.

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林先生说轻松的生活状态很大程度上得益于东京电力的慷慨赠与,赞美之情溢于言表。Mr. Hayashi spoke with fondness about the easygoing lifestyle afforded a largely by the largess of Tokyo Electric.

其实,我们是在台北101通往观景台的电梯里,当电梯往上升时,大家的兴奋之情溢于言表。We are in fact inside one of the Taipei 101 observation elevators. Excitement is in plentiful supply as we lift-off.

帮助利物浦重回胜利轨道后,约西·贝纳永对球队2-0战胜桑德兰的喜悦之情溢于言表。Yossi Benayoun spoke of his delight after helping Liverpool return to winning ways with a 2-0 victory over Sunderland.

姜窦、汤名扬、白羽和关心来到了传说中的翼虎团,冲动之情溢于言表。Ginger sinus, ShangMingYang, BaiYu and concern came to the legend of the wing, the feeling of impulse tiger group shows.

不久之前我将我对新崔斯特瑞姆缺乏某种真正恐惧的失望态度溢于言表,但我现在希望我压根没有提过这些。Not long ago, I wrote of my disappointment that New Tristram lacked the palpable dread its reputation led one to expect.

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另外在这种时候,被嫉妒者的情绪最溢于言表,因此最容易遭受打击。And besides, at such times the spirits of the person envied, do come forth most into the outward parts, and so meet the blow.

医生太太是一位满头银发的小妇人,梳妆整齐,面色红润。她一见面就喜欢上了安妮,那种喜爱溢于言表。Mrs. Doctor was a trim rosy-cheeked, silver-haired little lady who took Anne at once to her heart, literally and figuratively.

因此,当她得到家乡陕西省商州一个中国银行分行的工作时,她的开心溢于言表。家乡是个远离喧嚣的地方。She was clearly happy to get an enviable offer from the Bank of China in her hometown, Shangzhou, a quiet place in Shaanxi province.