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一颗心形的云!A heart-shaped cloud!

我真的喜欢那个星心形蛋糕。I really like that heart-shaped cake.

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没有心形的鸡蛋和薄饼模吗?No heart-shaped egg and pancake molds?

我觉得这心形的一个很特别。I think this heart-shaped one is special.

基生叶长圆形,基部不心形。Basal leaf blade oblong, base not cordate.

袋鼠妈妈用剪刀剪了一个心形。Kanga used a pair of scissors to cut a heart.

大的、心形的、果肉柔软的甜樱桃。Large heart-shaped soft-fleshed sweet cherry.

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法属波利尼西亚的心形途湃岛。Heart-shaped Tupai Island in French Polynesia.

好吧。我想这心形的人都是特别的。Okay. I think this heart-shaped one is special.

您,先生,还是一枚心形土豆的主人呢。You, sir, are the owner of a heart-shaped potato.

它们或圆,或扁平,或六角形,或橄榄形或心形的。They are round, flat, hexagonal, oval, heart-shaped.

当我数着被子上17朵手绣的印花布心形图案时,我笑了。I smile as I count seventeen hand-sewn calico hearts.

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提供一个很好的装饰桌巾的心形包。A doily provides nice trim for the heart-shaped package.

我的项链有一个心形的垂饰,但我并非每天都戴它。My necklace has a heart pendant, but I don't wear it everyday.

图画有丘比特的神箭,也有心形符号。Pictures are Cupid's arrow god, also have heart-shaped symbols.

蝶形的太阳镜会凸显处心形脸的甜美。Butterfly shapes accentuate the sweetness of heart-shaped faces.

我先生斯蒂芬,在我的眼镜片上分别贴了两个红色心形贴画。My husband, Stephen, had placed two red heart stickers on my glasses.

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圆领与桃红色心形图案设计的长袖恤杉。White round neck long sleeve T-shirt with pink 'Broken Heart' graphic.

心形透明密镶水晶耳钉足以让你心动。The heart-shaped studs in clear crystal pavé will make your heart melt.

像瑞茜·威瑟斯彭这样的心形脸最好的眉型就是拥有明显的弧度。A heart-shape face like Reese Witherspoon’s looks best with astrong arch.