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是半场进攻,还是以快攻为主,或者是以防守见长?Are they defensive oriented?

你也可以用这个模式化解快攻。You can also use this to defend a fastbreak.

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我的快攻甚至不能突破一层窗玻璃,击球员只要等在那儿就可以了。Hitters would just sit there and wait for it.

技巧不错的大个子,一定范围内的投篮不错,能跑能跳能下快攻。Skilled big man who can shoot with range, run floor and jump.

Cuban说,“太阳是惟一一支能在对手命中后发起快攻的球队。The Suns are the only team that can fast-break a made basket.

我们对阵的魔术,和其他队不一样,他们是打快攻的队伍。When we play Orlando, they're a fast-break team like no other.

但木大叔在快攻体系下有明显的弱点。However, Deke has trouble matching up against faster-paced teams.

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只有在工程师快攻或用APC抵抗粉碎者的时候暂停。Only stop for Engineer Rushing or just APCs against Disintegrators.

快攻能力低下,也使中国队进攻整体上受到影响。The low of fast attack also influences the overall ability of attack.

他投篮太快了,导致太阳再次找到快攻的节奏。He shot too quickly and let the Suns rediscover their up-tempo identity.

游戏玩家你也许会想,为啥在这种对局中我不该使用影队快攻呢?You might be wondering, why shouldn't I go Shadow Teams in this match-up?

上半场,巴西率先打破僵局,凭借快攻2次敲开对手大门。The Brazilians broke the game open with two quick goals in the first half.

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它弹性好,击球稳且速度快,适合近台快攻型的球员使用。It flexible, and stable and fast shots for the near-break-type players use.

结果就是对手的快攻得分和致命攻击波减少了。The result is fewer points in transition and game-breaking runs for opponents.

黄蜂的快攻一个接一个,从而也直接有了一次又一次的上篮和扣篮。The Hornets' fast-break was in gear, resulting in a flurry of layups and dunks.

快攻是预算表示租赁服务具有无纸交易。Fastbreak is the Budget express rental service featuring paperless transactions.

高弹性、速度快,前冲性快攻反胶,既有速度,又有旋转。It has characteristics of high elasticity, fast speed, forwardness and high spinning.

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加拿大队正在组织快攻,他们今天的竞技状态特别好。The Canadian team is organizing a quick attack now, they are in excellent trim today.

火箭需要回到防守上来,当务之急甚至要放弃一些快攻得分。Rockets need to get back on defense. Giving up too many fast break points at the moment.

和克里扎一样,他能够在板凳阵容上得分,快攻或是外线投篮。Like Kleiza, he can score in huge bunches off drives, sprints or pure shooting from deep.