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放个活人。A living person.

岂可为活人求问死人呢。for the living to the dead?

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骷髅坪林生存的活人。Skeleton lawn survival live person.

这位医生活人无算。The doctor has saved countless lives.

被摧毁的城市活人不多。Blitzed towns has no many living people.

老戴逊好像会随时死去,我从未见过活人这样瘦的。I've never seen a living being look so thin.

即邪恶、酷似活人的幽灵。You know, the evil doppelganger in some way.

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天谴军都去死吧!活人也去死吧!Death to the Scourge! And death to the living!

一个死人对活人有何用处?Of what use could a dead man be to the living?

“一个活人和一个死人,”查拉图斯特拉说。"A living man and a dead one, " said Zarathustra.

你告诉我“未来有个活人是你。You tell me, "Oh there's going to be somebody alive.

我的意思是,大概,你准备好了拿活人试一试吧。I mean, presumably, you're ready to try this on humans.

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此时,他正行走在这个城市里,走在一群活人当中。He was now walking in the city itself, among living men.

他们把死人和活人乱七八糟地混放在一个教堂里。They pell-melled the dead with the living all in one kirk.

大多数的活人枯瘦如柴。Most of the living humans walking around are skinny as rails.

你不应当住在那死人替活人筑造的坟墓里。You shall not dwell in tombs made by the dead for the living.

她自称有通灵术,能帮助活人与死者沟通。She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead.

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没有活人忖量的死人,才是真正的死了。The dead are only dead when they die in the thoughts of the living.

你在指责这些死者的亡灵在干预活人的事情么?Are you faulting the souls of the dead for the meddling of the living?

在这里,活人丧失了对同媒体影像的差别。Here the living human being looses its difference from its media image.