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一条双向道,有来有往,引申为互相忍让。It has to be a two-way street.

彼此忍让非常重要。It's important to be tolerant with each other.

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在此困难时期,我们对她一定要忍让。We must bear with her during this difficult period.

先走一步付出一些,在退一步忍让一些。A step ahead of pay, in some fallback to be patient.

中国人认为忍让是美德。Chinese believe that self-surrender is a good virtue.

我的室友很脏乱,但我还是忍让他。My flatmate is very messy, but I still put up with him.

以前是我淘气,害得你对我一次次的忍让。I used to be naughty, Haide you told me the patience and time.

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他们在实践中具有尊重,忍让和自我批判的品格。They practice respect and humility, tolerance, and self-criticism.

在我的成长中,我更倾向于采取“忍让”态度。As I grow, I’m more inclined to adopt a “roll with the punches” attitude.

我认为做人不可以一味的忍让,比如说交朋友。I think that person can not blindly self-surrender, for example, to make friends.

他们将会在估值时非常强硬,但是如果你想要早点卖掉的话就会比较忍让。They'll be tougher on valuations, but more accomodating if you want to sell early.

当你变得忍让的时候,你仍然不会感到完全的思绪平静和自由。When you become tolerant, you still don't feel a complete peace of mind and freedom.

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她忍让,她那种忍让之类似冷漠,正如死亡之类似睡眠。She is resigned, with that resignation which resembles indifference, as death resembles sleep.

父母有责任教授他们的孩子讲礼貌、懂谦虚、知忍让。It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite, courteous, and forbearing.

特别是你,大花,身为丈夫要懂得保护妻子,要懂得忍让。You should learn to protect your wife with patience and humility, to abide your lover as every husband.

婚姻如意但事多,多源于争论冲突,口舌之争要忍让三分,方能家和万事兴。Marriage luck but things, stems from the conflict, war of words to three tolerance, to home and everything.

事实上,教育孩子礼貌、谦逊、忍让是父母的责任。In fact, it is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite, courteous and forbearing.

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每个月做一次按摩或每天记录一下心情都有助于你打开心结,学会忍让和宽容。Getting a massage every month or writing in a journal each day will soften this sign's heart and enable forgiveness.

后来我经过深思熟虑后知道是自己不对,不应该那样“小肚鸡肠”,要心平气和,多多忍让父母才对。Later, after careful thought, I know that are wrong and should not be as to calm, patience and a lot of parents only.

母亲不说,仅仅因为她是一个懂得忍让的母亲,即使是面对自己的晚辈。Mother had said nothing, just because she was a mother being capable of forbearing, even in front of her descendants.