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“会审”工作簿使用“未经会审的工作项”团队查询。The Triage workbook uses the Untriaged Work Items team query.

这些工作项的“会审”字段设置为“挂起”、“详细信息”或“收到信息”。The Triage field for these work items is set to Pending, More Info, or Info Received.

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在分析某个更改请求前,应通过配置控制委员会对它进行会审。Before a change request is analyzed, it should be triaged by a configuration control board.

对参加施工的人员,进行施工前的图纸会审、设计交底和安全技术交底。Tell all things about the drawings, designs and safety to the constructors before the construction.

组织承包人与设计单位进行图纸会审和设计交底。Organize for the Contractor and the Designer to jointly examine the Drawings and deliver the design.

施工前,做好图纸会审工作,编制施工作业指导书。Before construction, review the drawing together and formulate the construction working guidance book.

可以通过将工作项中的“会审”字段设置为“挂起”,来指示必须对请求进行会审。You can indicate that a request must be triaged by setting the Triage field in the work item to Pending.

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另一方面,在程序上设立了死刑复奏、会审等制度以限制死刑的适用。On the other hand, establish the death penalty notice systems to limit the application of the death penalty.

法院审理始于上周一,并在异常快速的秘密会审之后作出这一判决的。The verdict came after an unusually swift trial, which started last Monday and was conducted behind closed doors.

我会审镇地选择我的工作。我会咨询很多有经验的人,这样我才能做出明智的选择。I will be prudent before I choose my job. I will consult many experienced people so that I can make a wise choice.

在项目的开发和测试工作开始之后,应按设置的时间间隔召开会审会议。Triage meetings should be held at set intervals after the development work and testing have started on the project.

大理寺经常与刑部、都察院共同审理重大或疑难案件,成为三司会审。Grand court regularly with Board of Punishments, Censorate joint trial of major or difficult cases, a Mixed Division.

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我叫张美丽,是一名即将毕业于保定职业技术学院09级会审专业的学生。My name is zhang, a man who in hin YuBaoDing vocational and technical college graduate students HuiShen professional level 2009.

官员们定期会审以确保该州车牌号码不含缩写的帮派口号、毒品名称或者淫秽字眼。Officials meet periodically to ensure state plates stay free of letters that abbreviate gang slang, drug terms or obscene phrases.

产品所有者可以使用下表中描述的团队查询来跟踪要求和未经会审工作的状态。Product owners can use the team queries that are described in the following table to troubleshoot issues and risks to the product schedule.

中国古代的会审制度、死刑复核制度和录囚制度可谓源远流长,这几种制度在目的和任务上,有诸多相似之处。Joint trial system , death penalty rechecks system and prison-checking system of Chinese ancient times may be said that the source far flows long.

规范项目编制申报,严格项目论证会审,加强项目跟踪督查和考核验收。Normative project preparation declare joint hearing Strict demonstration projects to strengthen the supervision and assessment project tracking acceptance.

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这种利用互联网视频对在建工程消防设计进行远程会审的做法,在国内尚属首创。This kind uses Internet video to build project fire control to devise the way that has long-range joint hearing to be in, still belong to initiate in home.

会审法庭最先创设于上海外国租界,并陆续扩展到鼓浪屿、汉口的外国租界和东清铁路。Consultation trial court first emerged in the foreign concession in Shanghai and then extended to foreign concessions of Gulangyu and Hankou and Dongqing Railway.

负责组织施工图会审和施工交底,解决现场施工过程中的技术问题和设计漏洞。Be responsible for reviewing the construction drawings and disclosures, and solve the technical problems and design loopholes during the process of construction on site.