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他们看立体电影。They watch a film in three-D.

这是一部立体电影。This is a three-dimension film.

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立体电影必须用两个镜头拍摄而成。They have to shoot with two cameras.

在三维立体电影中也引起了很多乐趣。It also leads to a lot of fun at 3-D movies.

立体电影被认为是有趣的。This stereoscopic film is thought of as interesting.

三维立体电影在过去几十年中有了很大变化。Three-dimensional movie changed a lot over the decades.

由此开始,一位向导将呈现史上最叹为观止的三维立体电影。Here, a guide to making the most convincing 3-D film yet.

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是立体电影“大峡谷”。太吸引人了。A stereoscopic film "Grand Canyon". That's really a special attraction.

最近几年,已经出现了3D立体电影与电视的复兴。The last couple of years has seen a revival in 3D movies and television.

同时,第一张立体电影在1952年上映但是这个新奇的事物并没有维持太长时间。Also in 1952 the first 3D film was released but the novelty did not last long.

观看数字立体电影时,观众要佩戴偏光立体眼镜。While watching digital stereo movies, viewers are required to wear polarized stereo glasses.

西尼拉玛系统全景电影,超银幕立体电影一种电影制作法的商标,该法设计用来产生。A trademark used for a motion-picture process designed to produce wide-screen, realistic images.

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立体电影或视频的显示屏离观众的距离是一定的,所以没有焦距变化。The viewing screen of a stereo film or video is at a fixed distance from the viewer, so there is no focus change.

从2009年开始,公司将陆续对有潜力电影进行投资,这部立体电影就是一个开端。Beginning in 2009, the company will come to have the potential to invest in movies, this three-dimensional film is a start.

而微软应用科学集团的科学家们最近则研制出了一种新的实用型镜片,用上这种镜片之后,观众们看立体电影时就再也不需要戴眼镜了。Now a new type of lens developed by researchers in Microsoft's Applied Sciences Group could help make glasses-free 3-D displays more practical.

他们觉得,拍摄真人立体电影的导演不仅要使用两组摄像设备进行拍摄,还要人工调整拍摄角度,而动画制作者用电脑控制就可以了。Rather than filming with two cameras and adjusting settings by hand, as directors must do in live-action stereoscopic films, animators can set cameras with computers.

内部人士称,其效果远远超出了其他3D技术,并将影视产业推向了立体电影的勇敢新世界。Insiders claim the results go far beyond anything achieved by other recent 3D offerings, leading the industry towards a brave new world of stereoscopic film production.

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据新华社报道,由于专家指出,儿童使用3D眼镜有可能造成斜视或弱视以及其它视力问题,意大利日前决定,禁止6岁以下儿童使用3D眼镜观看立体电影。Italy decided to prohibit children under 6 years old from using 3D glasses to watch films, as experts said the glasses may lead to eye problems such as squinting and amblyopia, Xinhua reported.