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这块木板易于穿孔。This board bores easily.

他用木板把井盖上。He planked the well over.

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这间房间是用木板隔出来的。The room was boarded out.

这间房间铺以木板。The room was boarded over.

他刨平了这块木板。He planed the board smooth.

阳台用木板隔出了。The veranda was boarded in.

这块木板将被当作床。This plank will form a bed.

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他把一枚钉子敲进木板。He put a nail into the board.

你是说有块木板松了吗?Did you say a board was loose?

增加了木板门的建筑。Added Plank Door building part.

他在墙上镶上木板。He panelled the wall with wood.

有些房子用的是木板材条。Some houses have wood panelling.

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木匠在木板上开槽。The carpenter grooved the board.

它撞到了后围墙上的长条木板上。It went splat, on the back fence.

那块木板是用钉子拼接的。The plank was spliced with nails.

一块木板横跨于溪上。A wooden plank bridged the stream.

把这些木板直着放,不要横着放。Lay these boards along, not across.

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用于盒子上的一块凿刻完成了的木板。A post-chiseling view of a box piece.

你去拿块木板来,做小木橛子用!Go and bring a board to make the pegs!

这个农夫在农场里有几台木板车。The farmer has some carts on his farm.