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我和朋友们依旧交好如昔吗?Am I still friends with Colleen.

他们可能与我们交好,他们也可能会吃掉我们。They might befriend us. They might eat us.

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半岛战争期间,敌对双方常见交好。Fraternisation during the Peninsular War was very common.

他们曾与我们在两个银河循环之前接触过,现在他们想再次与我们交好了。Was in contact two galactic rotations ago, wants to be friendly again.

哈吉斯素来与他交好,这次想让他帮忙写部反映“911”后美国情况的电影。Haggis wanted help writing a film about the country after September 11.

莫迪总理煽动了要求与中国交好的宗教情绪,这一点他做得很好。PM-Modi is quite appropriate in inciting religious sentiments for good relations with China.

有了郑的牵线搭桥,陈林得到了和省委书记交好的机会。With the match Zheng, and the Provincial Party Secretary Chen Lin has been paying good opportunities.

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他们参加聚会时,专心于寻找最佳伙伴,因此错过了交好朋友的机会。They go to parties intent on finding their perfect partner and so miss opportunities to make good friends.

此后,犹大王约沙法与以色列王亚哈谢交好。亚哈谢行恶太甚。Later, Jehoshaphat king of Judah made an alliance with Ahaziah king of Israel, who was guilty of wickedness.

素日同厨房的几个丫头交好,也会替她们做些事。Day of vegetable attach a few wenches of the kitchen are on good terms, ambition also do some materials for them.

海王星的理想使你想要交好志趣相投的人看到您的同一视角观察世界。The idealism of Neptune causes you to want to befriend like-minded people that see the world from your same perspective.

但是没有人能够保证,现在如巴林那样与美国交好的国家,在发生一场埃及式的大变动后,还能否继续效忠美国。But there is no guarantee of that, or that states now friendly, like Bahrain, will remain so after an Egyptian-style upheaval.

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周围人一片惊叹,真是好运气,居然和皇子是同学还交好了。Surrounding person's one miracles, is really in luck lap, incredibly and emperor's son is a classmate still Be getting oner good terms.

散场的时候,前后几个同学搭在一起往前走,交好的几个手挽着臂,笑着埋怨这不讨喜的天气。The last time, before and after several students together to go ahead, make a few hand arm, laughing to complain about this unpleasant weather.

专家指出,随着印度显出欲与中国交好的意向,流亡在邻国印度的十二万藏民的命运同样未可知。The fate of about 120,000 Tibetans exiled in neighboring India also remains uncertain, experts say, as India looks to better relations with China.

尽管背后仍有争议,中国毫不掩饰与斯里兰卡政府交好的热情。There is no disguising China’s enthusiasm for good relations with Sri Lanka’s government, though the thinking behind it remains a topic of debate.

巴基斯坦是中国制衡印度的重要力量,可以使中国增加与美国对话渠道,并交好穆斯林国家。Pakistan is an important force for China to balance India. It can increase China's dialogue channels with America, and cottons to Muslim countries.

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世博会不仅证明了上海乃至中国日益增强的信心,还彰显了世界其它地区与中国交好的渴望。Expo demonstrates not just the rising confidence of Shanghai and of China but also the eagerness of the rest of the world to remain on its good side.

那‘二瞻’先生姓查,名士标,是明末清初的一位大画家,也和顾黄吕诸人交好。This Erzhan's real name was Zha Shibiao. He was a well-known painter in the late Ming, early Manchu period and a good friend of the three men present.

小赵同学的学堂没有白上,表面上是F4,实际上和很多人交好,大伙都印象不错。Little classmate's schools has no white up, superficially is a F4, actually is as on good terms as many people, everyone all the impression is very good.