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去年冬天他们由于尘暴而流离失所。They were dusted out last winter.

苏丹西达尔富尔州国内流离失所者营地**Sudan, West Darfur State IDP camps **

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这些城镇现已收容了数百名国内流离失所者。These towns already host hundreds of IDPs.

他们没有流离失所,但是他们很穷。They are not displaced, but they are poor.

在国内流离失所的人和无国籍的人士也是调查的对象。So were internally displaced and stateless people.

几百万美国人饥寒交迫、流离失所。Millions of Americans were left hungry and homeless.

答案很快就在种子流离失所写插件。The seeded answers quickly got displaced by write-ins.

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是的,政府应该帮助那些流离失所的人。Yes, the government should help those who are displaced.

根据联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处的资料,13000多人流离失所。According to UNWRA, over 13 000 people have been displaced.

然而,要追踪这些流离失所的人群极端困难。But, tracing these displaced groups is extremely difficult.

单独的混合变流离失所,容积泵。Separate mixing with variable displacement, volumetric pump.

生病和饥饿的难民是遭战祸而流离失所的苦命人。Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war.

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使他的子孙流离失所,沿门乞食,使他由残破的家室里,被人逐离。May his children go begging, driven out of their ruined homes.

的液体,然后流离失所的轴向旋转的螺丝和网格。The liquid is then displaced axially as the screws rotate and mesh.

大约212,000人流离失所的冲突,联合国估计。About 212,000 people have been displaced by the conflict, the UN estimates.

“因为世界杯我们流离失所,”罗索乌说。"We were forced out of our hostel because of the World Cup, " Rossouw said.

在芝加哥,关于流离失所的居民的争论正在白热化。No city is debating the displacement of residents more heatedly than Chicago.

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印度一个偏远小镇已经下沉了20英尺,使250位居民流离失所。A remote Indian town has sunk at least 20 feet, displacing about 250 residents.

但努尔市长说,赶走了青年党并不意味着消除了国内流离失所者面临的危险。But Mayor Noor says the removal of al-Shabab does not eliminate the risk to IDPs.

我们在尽一切努力来避免出现间接伤害和人员流离失所的情况。We are making all efforts to avoid collateral damage and displacement, " he said.