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他们把鹿屠宰开膛收拾干净。They dressed out the deer.

这只鸭煺毛开膛后净重5磅。The duck dressed five pounds.

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但我更喜欢免费的DVD开膛手。But I much prefer Free DVD Ripper.

所有的鱼,需开膛,取出内脏,清洗干净。All fish must be gutted and cleaned.

她把鸡煺毛开膛洗净以备烹食用。She dressed the chicken for the dinner.

“开膛手杰克”,是大写的吗?"Jack the Ripper. " Is that capitalized?

这只鹿去毛开膛后净重100多磅。The deer dressed out over one hundred pounds.

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乔喊道,“你为什么非要像开膛手杰克那样变态?Why do you have to be Jack-the-Ripper psycho?

找不到弱小的动物让你开膛破肚了?Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?

他的律师也怀疑费根鲍姆就是开膛手杰克。His lawyer suspected him of the Ripper murders too.

开膛手杰克又杀人了,这是第五次罪行。Jack the Ripper had killed again—for the fifth time.

农产品协定的DVD开膛手的升级是免费的注册用户。AoA DVD Ripper's upgrade is free for registered users.

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为什么马里奥特会认为费恩鲍姆就是开膛手杰克呢?Why does Marriott think Feigenbaum is Jack the Ripper?

视觉的CD开膛手是非常容易使用,并已较快的速度。Visual CD Ripper is very easy to use and have fast speed.

这个人,尼古拉斯·博伊尔,被一把猎刀开膛破肚了。This man, Nicholas Boyle, was gutted with a hunting knife.

与此DVD的开膛手,你可以撷取的CSS保护的DVD电影。With this DVD Ripper, you can Rip CSS protected DVD movies.

首先,鸭子要开膛,褪毛,烫皮,变干。First ducks must be cut open, dressed and scalded and dried.

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古丽以开膛挖心的手段干掉了他。Guri killed the hunter, tearing at his heart with her bare hand.

“开膛手”杰克是记录在案的一个早期系列杀手。One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper.

大概是最有名的密码破解是约翰开膛手。Probably the most well known password cracker is John The Ripper.