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一切只是我贪恋你。All are only I cling to you.

胜过贪恋的四种方法。Four ways to conquer coveting.

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贪恋你的甜蜜,十年不过短短的一瞬。Cling to you sweet. Ten years only flashed by.

贪恋你的甜蜜,十年不过短短的一瞬!Cling to your sweet, ten years only flashed by!

甚至当我只是个孩子的时候,我就贪恋着白天的时光。I hanker for the daytime even when I was a child.

因为他们的根基是建立在贪恋钱财上。For their foundation is built on the love of money.

贪恋过去的一种温暖,害怕现当下的这种寂寞。Cling to a warm in the past, afraid of the lonely now.

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也许,我是孤单太久,才贪恋了一个拥抱。Perhaps, I am lonely too long, only lusted after a hug.

因而我们在摒弃过多贪恋的同时,要努力找寻那份知足。One should abandon attachments and strive to find contentment.

一些人认为大多数的犯罪都是因为对金钱的贪恋。Some people believe that the desire of money cause the crimes.

所执着的,所追求的,所贪恋的,都是生不带来,死不带去的。What persistent, pursue, lusted after of, is all't take it with.

缐所执着的,所追求的,所贪恋的,都是生不带来,死不带去的。What persistent, pursue, lusted after of, is all't take it with.

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你是否想知道我们最初贪恋钻石是出于什么原因?Have you ever wondered why we first began lusting after diamonds?

不让你的心贪恋她的美色,不让她的秋波迷惑你。Let not thy heart covet her beauty, be not caught with her winks.

另外,你也必须清除贪恋和反感。In addition, you also have to get rid of attachments and aversions.

一些人认为大多数的犯罪都是因为对金钱的贪恋。Some ppl consider the reason of most crimes as being greedy for money.

他们既是全心爱慕真理及天上的光荣,世上的虚荣自然无心贪恋了。Since they do not desire vainglory , they are full of truth and heavenly glory.

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箴言开头所讲智慧的第一样训诲就是不可贪恋财利。The first teaching of wisdom at the beginning of Proverbs is not to be greedy of gain.

我们从来不贪恋在卡通人物或电脑游戏的焦点人物。We've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.

不要放弃而去贪恋一口之快,那会让你的这种症状持续更久。Try not to give in and sneak a smoke because you'll just have to deal with the symptoms longer.