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用吸墨纸把它吸干。Dry it with blotting-paper.

吸墨纸吸起墨水。Blotting paper soaks up ink.

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我用吸墨纸吸干它。I dried it with blotting-paper.

请用吸墨纸将它吸干!Blot it with blotting-paper please!

墨水被吸墨纸吸干了。The ink was absorbed by the blotter.

这吸墨纸的吸墨力很强。This blotting paper absorbs ink well.

用一张吸墨纸把溅出来墨水吸掉。Use a blotter to take up the spilt ink.

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他用干净的吸墨纸吸干墨水。He blotted the wet ink with a clean blotter.

墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中。The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.

她用吸墨纸吸墨。She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.

吸墨纸把墨水吸干。Blotting-paper dries up wet ink by absorption.

这个日记簿插有吸墨纸。This diary is interleaved with blotting -paper.

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吸收墨水的纸称为吸墨纸。Paper that absorbs ink is called blotting paper.

用吸墨纸轻轻按了一下,墨水就干了。One dab with blot ting-paper and the ink was dry.

他用吸墨纸小心地把这页纸吸干。He blotted the page carefully with blotting paper.

珂赛特本人只带了她的文具和吸墨纸。Cosette had taken only her portfolio and her blotting -book.

避免买到假精油的方法还有利用吸墨纸来鉴别。Another way to avoid fake oils is to shop with blotting paper.

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桌子上有一支铅笔,他拿起来在吸墨纸上信手画了一个头像。There was a pencil on the table, and unconsciously he drew a head on the blotting-paper.

某种吸墨纸可起到主举措用,也可经过化学方法改善起油的头发。The main initiatives can play a blotting paper, also from the oil through chemical methods to improve the hair.

他拿着那吸墨纸,不断地看,呆头呆脑地感到幸运,几乎笑了出来,说自己竟会受到错觉的愚弄。He held the blotter in his hand and contemplated it in stupid delight, almost ready to laugh at the hallucination of which he had been the dupe.