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这导致增长很快,但毛利率为负。This results in fast growth but negative gross margins.

该公司预计第二季度毛利率将维持在中下水平。It expects Q2 gross margins to be in the mid-to-low teens.

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正常增长,净盈利,销售额和毛利率必要的支持。Normal growth of net profit, sales and gross margin needed support.

具有高毛利率的企业自然也更容易获利。It is also much easier to get a high gross margin business profitable.

你的单个酒店成本可能会根据毛利率高低而浮动。Your individual hotel costs may be lower or higher based on the favorability of your margins.

供应商也将被追究责任错过任何毛利率美元损失所造成的错误。Vendor will also be held responsible for any missed gross margin dollars lost as a result of the error.

本季度该公司总体毛利率由去年同期的34.8%上升至36.3%。The company’s overall gross profit margin grew to 36.3 percent, from 34.8 percent in the year-ago quarter.

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由此可看出企业的毛利率和净利率在2015年比2014年都有一定幅度的上升。You can see the enterprise of gross margin and net interest rate in 2015 than in 2014 has certain amplitude.

不论你是否持有公司的股票,你都应该花些功夫去了解一下公司的毛利率情况。You should also make an effort to track your company’s profit margins, whether or not you own stock in the company.

这一过程中,毛利率指标将是评判技术资本价值创造能力高低的标准。In this area, the gross margin index is the best standard to assess how the technical capital creates corporate values.

思科公司CEO约翰•钱伯斯曾发誓要遏制这一下滑趋势,并将公司的经营重点从增加收入转为提高毛利率水平。CEO John Chambers had vowed to stem the decline and shift the company's focus from revenue growth to higher gross margins.

戴尔则预计,由于价格竞争和大规模向消费型个人电脑转移,七月的毛利率将会更低。Dell forecast lower gross margins in the July quarter due in part to price competition and a mix shift to more consumer PCs.

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毛利率出现负值意味着公司生产锐步品牌产品的成本大于销售产品的收入。The negative margin means it is costing the company more to produce Reebok-branded goods than what it earns from selling them.

商业板块被卷入这轮放缓时的状况还很好——低负债,高利润、高毛利率和高股本回报率。The business sector has entered this slowdown in a very strong position with low leverage and record profits, margins and ROEs.

“在全球电信业,我们的营业毛利率被认为是相当高的,”该公司财务总监薛涛海表示。"Our ebidta margin is considered very high in the global telecommunications industry, " said Xue Taohai, chief financial officer.

公司相信薄环氧玻璃纤维覆铜面板市场拥有显著的销售增长商机,产品毛利率亦较高。We believe that the thin laminates market represents a significant opportunity for sales growth, and commands higher gross profit margins.

令投资者更忧心的是,随着竞争对手在思科赖以成为巨人的核心市场上与其展开正面交锋,这家公司的毛利率一年不如一年。More worrisome to investors, its gross margins deteriorated year after year as competitors battled Cisco in the core markets that made it a giant.

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杨涛称,在这个时候,产品毛利率高以及多元化经营的煤炭企业受影响的程度相对要小。Yang Tao said that, at this time, high-margin products as well as the diversification of the coal enterprises to be affected are relatively small.

毛利率4季度环比下降主因在线游戏的分成成本上升及广告业务的代理费及搜索分成成本上升。Gross margin declined mainly because of increase in online game sharing cost and agency fee and search union sharing fee in online ads business in 4Q10.

公司完成战略转型,产能提高,毛利率提升,产品的先进性保证公司可持续增长。The company achieve strategic transformation, enhance productivity, gross margin improved to ensure the company's progressiveness Products sustainable growth.