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那是属于穷人的。It belonged to the poor.

我们是农民,是穷人。We are farmers and poor.

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他热爱穷人信仰的上帝。He loved God in the poor.

穷人总是沉默的。The poor are always silent.

穷人的孩子早当家。Poor children early masters.

要抢穷人的饭碗,是吗?Steal a man's job, will you?


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富人足食,穷人多子…Rich man feed, poor man breed.

哪怕是为了满足穷人的需要。To meet the needs of the poor.

应常为穷人着想。Be considerate toward the poor.

他在穷人家长大了。He was suckled in a poor family.

穷人盼出头。The poor expect to see daylight.

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你觉得穷人的生活咋样?Did you see how poor people live?

法律毕竟是允许穷人睡觉的。They let the paupers go to sleep!

很多穷人无家可归。A lot of poor people were unhoused.

对穷人而言,答案就在脱离电网。Off-grid is the answer for the poor.

她总是同情穷人。She always sympathized with the poor.

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穷人挨饿,而富人在大吃大喝。The poor starve while the rich feast.

那么我们怎么样才能真正帮助穷人呢?How then can we truly “help” the poor?

我不定量给穷人一些钱。This is a sort of indeterminate color.