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有氧运动和自由体操。Sports Aerobics and General Gymnastics.

你喜欢看自由体操吗?Do you like to watch the free-style exercises?

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男子和女子的自由体操是在垫子上进行的。Both men and women do floor exercises on the mat.

她的自由体操动作轻巧,姿势优美。She did her floor exercises with agility and grace.

自由体操是男子规定动作中的一项吗?Is floor exercises one of the set exercises for men?

她的自由体操动作轻盈优美。Her movements in free gymnastics are lithe and graceful.

男子自由体操决赛几乎爆出冷门。There was almost an upset in the finals of the men's floor exercise.

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自由体操的常规动作是伴随着音乐进行的。The floor exercise routines are performed to music with choreography.

女体操运动员在撑竿跳、高低杠、平衡木和自由体操比赛中角逐。Female gymnasts compete on the vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor.

她们每人既要表演自由体操,还得完成三项器械动作。They each had to perform on three pieces of equipment as well as the floor.

在比自由体操和跳马两个项目时,我一直在想高杠的事。As I did my floor and vault routines, my mind was preoccupied with the high bar.

我国的自由体操在奥运会上取得过辉煌的成绩。Our country's free exercise used to gain glorious achievements in the Olympic Games.

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邹凯,男子团体赛金牌得主,周日晚赢得男子自由体操冠军。Zou Kai, a gold medalist in the men's team event, won the floor exercise Sunday night.

评论员说,这名奥林匹克体操运动员的自由体操的得分不低,但是没有达到拿奖牌的水平。The Olympic gymnast had scored well on her floor exercises, but not enough to earn a medal.

女子体操运动员必须参加自由体操、跳马、高低杠和平衡木比赛。The women gymnasts must perform in the floor, vault, asymmetrical bars and beam disciplines.

男人也可以受益于加强骨盆做自由体操的盆底肌肉。Men can also benefit from strengthening their pelvic floor muscles by doing pelvic floor exercises.

但在雅典奥运会前,女子自由体操项目一直属于我国的弱势项目。However, prior to Athens Olympic Games, women's floor exercise has always been China's weak project.

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在比赛中,雷顿在自由体操和跳马项目上获得满分,仅以0.05分的微弱优势获得女子个人全能金牌。Retton scored perfect 10s on floor exercise and vault to win the all-around title by just 0.05 points.

他们是完美的普拉提练习和给予柔和的手感和坚定支持任何自由体操训练。They are perfect for Pilates exercises and give a soft touch and firm support for any floor exercise workouts.

中国出征者中最有经验的程菲凭借在自由体操中稳定的发挥给胜利画上圆满句号。China's most experienced campaigner Cheng Fei sealed the victory with a solid performance in the Floor exercise.