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心远天地宽——数星客。Thee world in my heart.

只有天地万物知道。Only the universe knows.

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赞化天地、道法自然。Zanhua heaven and nature.

天地可鉴,我是真心的并且这么做的!I really do! God knows I do!

学者的天地在书斋。A scholar belong in his study.

重造天地,他们的确做到了。And remake the world they did.

道本身是包含天地万物的。Tao itself contains all things.

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我们一天天地混日子。We muddle along from day to day.

你应该在这里,DDC是你的一方天地。You should be here. DDC is yours.

这里就是所谓的天地“会面”的地方。This is where earth meets the sky!

巴比特的小天地崩塌了。Babbitt's world collapsed about him.

天地的创造者啊!Creator of the heavens and the earth!

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事已无法可救,只得耐性容忍。情感天地聊天室。What cannot be cured must be endured.

天地一色,苍苍茫茫。The vast heaven and earth color, gray.

是爱也,感天地而动繁星!This is only love can move the stones.

曼谷在一天天地下沉。BANGKOK — Day after day, Bangkok sinks.

他的脾气一天一天地变得越来越坏。He tends to be ill-tempered day by day.

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他们渴望拥有自己的一片天地。They are longing for their own hearths.

天地虽宽,这条路却难走。Although world wide, which will go hard.

说句天地良心话,那根本一文不值。By cock and pie it is not worth a penny.