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恶人轻侮上帝。The wicked contemn God.

恶人作恶,自造地狱。A wicked man is his own hell.

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向恶人显示你的光芒!How show felons how you shine!

本·金斯利饰演大恶人。Ben Kingsley plays the villain.

但我没有碰到一个恶人。But I didn’t meet any villains.

不要怜惜恶人!Don't take pity on evil people!

罗德利哥啊,我真是个恶人!Roderigo. O, villain that I am!

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他看起来不像一个恶人。He did not look like a evil person.

宽宥恶人,就是伤害善人。Pardoning the Bad, is injuring the Good.

恶人一死,他的指望必灭绝。When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes.

记得吧,一个恶人就能毁了整个城邦Remember, even one bad man can ruin a polis.

佐罗在杀了恶人之后,骑马走了。Zorro killed in the wicked, go horse riding.

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只是我告诉你们,不要与恶人作对。But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person.

恶人常有恶报。Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.

恶人往往有恶报。Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person.

社会乃善与恶的斗争,恶人易以利害互相勾结。Human society is a struggle between good and evil.

与恶人交往,须特别提防。He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon.

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你怎么可能跟那样一个恶人做朋友?How can you be friends with a monster of that sort?

主耶和华说,恶人死亡,岂是我喜悦的吗。Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?

罗多维科那条毒蛇呢?把这恶人带上来。Lodovico. Where is that viper? bring the villain forth.