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被出卖的,永远是交心的那个。Betrayed, is always the best.

而事实上,从没一个上司会对你真的交心。In fact, a boss will never talk to you.

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我们坐在那里心交心地谈了一个多小时。For over an hour we sat there talking heart to heart.

不上是知己﹐但也是可以交心的朋友。He may not be your buddy-buddy, but still some kind of open heart.

交心,就是冒了暴露的危险。但无论如何,交心吧!To expose feeling is to risk exposing you true self. Expose anyway.

在他们眼中,教师是尊长,是父辈,要与他们交心为友简直是难比登天!Intheir eyes, teachers are elders, so it is harder than reach the sky!

下午发生的事情充斥着我们的记忆,但我们通过交心将它们驱逐出脑海。The events of the afternoon filled us, but we banished them from conversation.

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在一场交心的谈话中,金伯利向里克撒谎,称她的父亲已经死了。In a heart-to-heart talk with Rick, Kimberly lies and says that her father is dead.

在夜色的沉寂中,蟋蟀们伴我同乐,夜枭也与我交心。In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls.

偶尔的交心,说些无关紧要的私己话,能让老板觉着你贴心。Occasionally the heart, say be of no great importance of private words, can let boss feel close to your heart.

健康、关爱我的父母给了我一份内心的踏实,和我能真正交心的知已使我的内心又平添了一份温暖。Health care, my parents gave me a heart at ease, and I could really talk to know that my heart has added a warm.

同等水平、共同工作的同志在一起交心,这个监督作用可能更好一些。Supervision will probably be better served when comrades working together at the same level have heart-to-heart talks.

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如果,我们错过了学校里的性教育片,缺失了同早熟好友之间交心的谈话,那么就太迟了。If we missed those sex education videos at school and playground talks with our more precocious friends, it’s too late.

在我看来,经常和父母交心、谈心,是跟父母形成良好关系的一个好方法。In my opinion, having regular heart-to-heart talks is a good way to form a good relationship between parents and children.

该消息来源已经被证实,剧中丹尼会再一次在现世中出现来跟伊斯伊有一次交心的谈话。Sources have confirmed that Denny will be making another earthly appearance on the show to have a heart-to-heart with Izzie.

敬那些仍记得我生日以及仍然懂的交心的人们。谢谢你们。尤其是我最敬爱的老哥!CHEERS TO MY FRIENDS WHO is still remember my birth and knowing the feeling of touch. THANK YOU, My Friends! ESPECIALLY for JON!

那个时候我的生活里肯定有让我喜欢和尊敬的人,但却没有能和我在一起喝酒交心的男人。There were certainly men in my life whom I liked and respected, but no one I would meet up with for a drink and a heart-to-heart.

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对我而言,评估结果几乎全都不错。家庭方面,家中有我所珍爱的妻子、儿女,亲人和睦,朋友交心,房子舒适,所在的城镇正合我意。At home, I have a cherished wife, daughter and son, a loving extended family, great friends and a comfortable house in a town we enjoy.

交友最重要就是交心,在网络虚拟世界里,也同样存在真挚的友谊。The most important part of friend-making process is the exchange of hearts. True friendship also exists in a virtual world of cyberspace.

我是一个中国男孩,希望在这里能和你相遇,认识,交心,结伴,我喜欢游泳,上网。I am a Chinese boy, here in the hope that you can meet and understand, behaving I am ingratiating myself partnership. I like swimming, Internet.