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她在集市上收罗到许多便宜货。She hunted many bargains at the fair.

大范围的收罗改良倡议。Use broad range of sources for improvement ideas.

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所以游客来收罗门票。Consequently tourists come everyone tickets are collected.

你看见最后一局结束时,那打牌的人收罗起来的那些赢来的钱吗?Did you see the amount of money that player swept in after the last game?

有些人收藏书籍,有些人收罗各种货币,其他人收集图画或者火车票。Some collect books, some collect money, others collect pictures or train tickets.

嘿!英国,你最好的朋友回来了,团结一气我们能收罗全球精英。Hey Britain. Your best friend is back. Together we will take on the global elites.

十几年前,壹霖开始狂走偏僻村落,收罗地契古书。Many years ago, Mandi went around in those villages out of the way collecting title deed for land.

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帮助医师举行各种医治工作,担当收罗各种检验标本。To assist physicians in a variety of therapeutic work, is responsible for collecting all kinds of test specimens.

也许你的确可以一边打着自由奔放有创造力的足球,一边收罗奖杯,但这需要时间,又有谁知道时间会改变什么?You can play with freedom and creativity and win trophies too but it takes time and who knows what happens with time?

阿伯丁想要利用本人的经验来成为海劣势能、潮汐能和二氧化碳收罗储存方面的领先者。The city wants to use its experience to become a leader in offshore wind, tidal power and carbon dioxide capture and storage.

方式收罗17例经临床及多种影像手法考证的此类病例,对其影像学材料举行回忆性的辨析和归结。Methods The data of 17 patients with Neurocutaneous Syndrome was collected. Their imaging features were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed.

农业部有一个黄豆胚种库,这个胚种库收罗了代代相传的遗传物质。The Agriculture Department has a soybeangermpleasantgermplasm collection, a collection of genetic material passed from one generation to the next.

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不管你要找白蚁、火蚁还是木匠蚁,第一个收罗了世界上已知所有11,000种蚂蚁的完整数据库都可以帮你解决难题。Whether you're looking for white ants, fire ants or carpenter ants, the first complete database of the world's 11,000 known ant species can help you out.

现下有许多网站收罗考古题大全帮学生准备考试,教授对此感到忧心。Some Web sites are encouraging students to upload old exams to build a bank of test questions and answers for other students. Professors don't always approve.

他不管需要不需要,收罗了一堆大学生到他厂子里,报酬还算付得不错,厂里的工作和生活条件也颇说得过去。He started to hire many graduates to work in his factory on matter there is need or not. The salary was not that bad work environment and living condition as well.

经销商正在四处收罗性能好的二手车,而且观注着他们的存货清单以确保他们在波峰时没有购买过多的二手车。Dealers are stepping up efforts to snag high-quality used cars, while eyeing their inventories to make sure they don't get caught with too many vehicles at the top of the curve.