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描述它。Describe it.

描述他。Describe him.

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我难以描述。I can't describe.

图象的描述。Describes the image.

描述长屋的布局。Describe a longhouse.

产品描述。Product as described.

数据源描述。Data source description.

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描述人们的边幅。Describe people's looks.

您描述的一切。Everything you describe.

这些细节描述令他惊喜不已。The detail thrilled him.

你能把它描述给我听缧吗?。Can you describe it to me?

好了,让我们来描述实践吧。Okay, on to the practices.

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你能给我描述一下吗?Can you describe it for me?

请描述一下您的行李,好吗?Can you descibe your baggage?

他向我描述了那个情景。He described the scene to me.

您能描述一下症状吗?Can you describe the symptoms?

我在下面描述六个。I describe six of these below.

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Bini这样描述稳定层Bini describes the stable layer

你如何描述你的那些书?How do you describe your books?

拉瓦锡给氧描述特征。Lavoisier characterized oxygen.