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是时候征讨中国了!They were fighting for their country.

东晋国家严格控制征讨都督的设置权力。The setting power was strictly controlled by the country.

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穆斯林把征讨世界视为他们的使命和上帝对他们的承诺。Muslims see that as their mission and Gods promise to them.

当时国家设置的征讨都督是以大都督为称号的。Expeditionary Dudu set up by the country at that time was titled Dadudu.

现在,「征讨画册」成为日军罪行无法抹去的铁证。Now these same albums serve as undeniable proof of the Japanese army's war crimes.

以杀光抢光烧光的「三光政策」征讨原住民部落的暴力。Suppression of Aboriginal tribes with a policy of "kill all, seize all, burn all".

对征讨都督在战争中起到的这种作用,是不应该忽视的。The effect of the expeditionary governor of province in the war shouldn't be ignored.

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尧派遣舜征讨时,舜只用舞蹈时用的干盾与羽扇便使有苗屈服。When Yao sent Shun on expedition, Shun was able to use props used for dancing to subdue the Miao tribes.

因此,北魏后期“道”的设置是与大使、征讨都督和行台的任职联系在一起的。Therefore, the ways of setting Dao was closely connected with the appointments of the above-mentioned officials.

如果你的财富是靠当官、在战场上征讨或纳贡取得的,别人会羡慕你。If you made all your money as a government administrator, through military conquest, or by extracting tribute, you were admired.

公元1462年,君士坦丁堡受到土耳其人的袭击,德考拉伯爵受命征讨土耳其军。In 1462, Constantinople received Turk's attack, the German collarktranslitk count is ordered to subjugate the Turkish armed force.

征讨三好家看上去是个疯狂的举动,但是阿波拥有能使本家战力飞跃的丰富战略资源战马,这或许值得冒险。This last might seem like madness, but Awa is blessed with plentiful warhorses, a valuable resource for anyone planning to expand their clan army.

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比如,在公元前一千年的早期,在今天的伊拉克境内建立大帝国的古代的亚述国王们,在一定程度上,就用宗教的理由为他们的征讨行为做过辩护。The ancient Assyrian kings, for example, who forged a great empire in what is now Iraq in the early first millennium B. C. , justified their conquests partly on religious grounds.

征讨都督是在西晋末年出现的。在东晋时期,征讨都督为当时国家广泛使用,并且,在征讨都督的设置上,表现出明显的特点。The expeditionary governor of province which appeared in the late West Jin dynasty was widely employed during the period of East Jin dynasty, and it had distinct characteristics in its setting.

美国的罢工史,最终帮助建立了伟大的民族中产阶级,成功地为无数工人向国家最成功的公司征讨应得的权益。The history of the American strike was one that helped eventually create the nation’s great middle class, spreading wages from the country’s most successful corporations among milllions of people.