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她对于去和留踌躇不决。She wavered between going and staying.

银行却踌躇不决,于是,拜尔决定将此事公开。The banks balked, so Bair went public.

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在初放的花朵中踌躇。In the beginning the flowers put initially.

在友谊路上切莫踌躇。Don't be indecisive on the road of friendship.

他想给妻子打电话,但总是踌躇着。He wanted to call his wife, but always hung back.

我对这一步骤踌躇不决,没能往前迈。I'm stumbling at this step and can't make a move.

在这世界上踌躇不决成绩不了任何事。No good is ever done in this world by hesitation.

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你开始了踌躇,开始了疑虑。You start irresolute, start worry in uncertainty.

她踌躇牙齿有她的食指又。She wiggled the teeth with her index finger again.

有时孩子生病时我会踌躇是应该把孩子送到急救室抢救还是仅仅给她洗个冷水澡。Was it time for the emergency room or a cool bath?

经济上的自由能够产生焦虑和踌躇。Financial freedom can produce anxiety and hesitancy.

当我叫那只狗时,它踌躇了一会儿。PAUSE】The dog paused for a moment when I called him.

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产品转售权利踌躇你的头脑。Of products with resale rights will boggle your mind.

但是对于国内政治,纳扎尔巴耶夫踌躇了。In domestic politics, however, Nazarbayev has faltered.

无名的过客在往昔作了瞬间的踌躇。A nameless passerby made a snappy shilly-shally of yore.

这样情热的当中,岂容得踌躇,恐怖!In such a kind of passion, how can we hesitate and fear!

别踌躇了,万物莫能不朽,唯有天与地。Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.

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他毫不踌躇去救那个落水的小孩。He did not hesitate for a minute to save the drowning child.

我曾在教师和记者两种职业间踌躇过。I had for a time vacillated between teaching and journalism.

菲尔信心十足地走向前去,本却踌躇不定。Phil walked forward confidently but something held Ben back.