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我真羡慕你。I envied you.

我好羡慕你呀!How I envy you!

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我好羡慕他们!How I envy them!

我不羡慕奥巴马。I do not envy Obama.

我好羡慕你呀!I admire you so much!

玫瑰石,满心的羡慕。Rhodonite, full of envy.

没什么好羡慕的。There's nothing to envy.

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我羡慕你的好运气。I admire at your fortune.

胖女孩羡慕苗条的女孩。Fat girls envy slim girls.

我没有贪婪鳦我羡慕海枯石烂。I am not greed but I envy.

说真的我现在好羡慕你啊!Really I envy you good ah!

别盲目地羡慕他。Don't admire him ignorantly.

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我羡慕你的训词。How I long for your precepts!

你真聪明。我羡慕你。You're so clever. I envy you.

说实话,我倒是很羡慕他。To tell the truth, I envy him.

羡慕我的婉转笛音。With envy of my sweet pipings.

大家都羡慕他们的幸福。Everyone envies their happiness.

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我知道没有一个人值得我羡慕。I knew no one worth envying him.

你需要也并值得羡慕。You need and deserve admiration.

我真羡慕拉腊的烹饪本领。She just seems to have the knack.