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她很有事业心.She is enterprising.

你真有事业心。You are really career minded.

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菲力浦是个事业心很强的人。Philip was a man of great enterprise.

年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition.

你们都是年轻的、有事业心的人,各自有自己的生活。You're both young, enterprising adults with lives of your own.

指责美国人太自私,事业心太强。Americans are too self-centered, too careerist, goes the criticism.

他是有事业心的年轻人,把很多精力放在工作上。He is a career-minded young man who puts lots of effort in his work.

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他是个能干的人,而且事业心强,因此给我留下了很深的印象。You're a real go-getter and in enterprising, therefore, you really impress me.

她曾经认为自己是个有事业心的女人,而且是个非常成功的职业女性。She used to see herself as a career woman. And a hugely successful one at that.

现寻找一名事业心强、有创意、有创业精神的网页设计员。Seeking self-motivated, highly creative web designer with entrepreneurial spirit.

我们照片富有经验、事业心和高度自励的技术销售代表。We seek skilled , enterprising and highly motivated technical sales representatives.

我要教育他、引导他成为一个阳光、积极乐观、充满事业心的人。I will educate him and guide him to be a sunny, positive, happy man full of careerism.

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正因为如此,绝大多数有创意和有事业心的人都犯了关键性的错误,他们总是浪费时间做无用功。And due to the nature of that, most creative and enterprising people make a key mistake.

语言表达清晰,思辨能力强,有强烈的事业心和内动力。Good language skills and critical thinking skills, strong spirit of enterprise and motility.

这项繁重的更正工作是由我们的制图室的两名极富事业心的年轻人,安妮。Correction of the heavy work is drawing room by our two very enterprising young people, Anne.

再加上他受过良好教育、事业心很强的妻子也没能找到满意的工作。It didn't help that his educated and career-oriented wife could not find meaningful employment.

三年后,卢克与伊莎贝尔相爱而结合。伊莎贝尔是一个事业心很强的摄影师。Three years later, Luke falls in love with Isabel, who is a career-minded fashion photographer.

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有事业心的人一生忙碌,心满意足的人一生轻松,然而,每一个人都用自己的行动谱写自己生命的故事。A self content man has an easy one. Yet everyone is writing his own life story with his actions.

女人的事业心没有男人这么重,大多数还是想相夫教子的过日子。Women don't have a push-and-go as strong as men, most of who prefer a life to assist and godchild.

主要必备素质是刻苦耐劳精力好、进修能力优、事业心强以及身板棒。The main qualities required are preparednesstowork hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.