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所以敏捷方法是非常自下而上、程序员驱动的。So it is very much bottom-up, programmer driven.

我们展示的是自下而上的创新力。We showed that innovation can come up from the bottom.

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因此,开发风格通常是自下而上的。Therefore, the development style is typically bottom-up.

语言拥有自下而上的结构Language has structures going from the bottom to the top.

他自下而上的办法带来了源源不断的金钱和投票。His bottom-up approach tapped a wellspring of money and votes.

以表为基础进行自下而上的应用程序开发。Visit the Bottom-up application development from tables feature.

转变到一个自下而上的文化需要来自上层的帮助。The transformation to a bottom-up culture needs help from the top.

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它遵循的是上图所示的自下而上的方式。It follows bottom-to-top approach as specified in the above diagram.

堆积的斜方辉石几乎自下而上地分布在整个剖面中。Cumulate orthopyroxene occurs almost from top to bottom of the section.

这就是为什么我们始终自下而上地发展经济。That’s how we’ve always grown the American economy — from the bottom-up.

生命是有机分子的凸显特性自下而上自发形成的。Life is a bottom-up, self-organized emergent property of organic molecules.

水是氢原子和氧原子自我组织在一起,自下而上地展现的一种突现[2]特质。Water is a bottom up, self-organised emergent property of hydrogen and oxygen.

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他还发现了一个他称为自下而上的方式的模型。He also identified an alternative model which he called the bottom-up approach.

这两个方面难以与纯自下而上解决方案设计相吻合。These two areas can be difficult to reconcile with pure bottom-up solution design.

但是要想行得通,必须象所有真正的市场一样,自下而上的去构建这些方案。But to work, such schemes must be built — like all genuine markets — from the bottom up.

最后自下而上进行砼碹,既安全又快速,取得了良好效果。Finally concreting from bottom to top, which are safe, fast and have obtained good result.

在垂向上,古河道自下而上分为5段,其粒径呈愈向上愈细的趋势。The ancient river channel can be divided into 5 parts vertically, in fining upwards tendency.

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自下而上渗入生态的一个问题是,你如何将这些联系起来。“One of the questions that’s percolating up in ecology is how you link these, ” said Ellison.

区内油气具有自下而上、由南向北沿断裂运聚的趋势。The trend of hydrocarbon transport and accumulation is from bottom to up and from south to north.

使得这些图像有用的是,它们不能被自下而上的感觉过程所理解。What makes these images useful is that they can’t be perceived using bottom-up sensory processes.