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咱们便不会能佳好谈道吗?。Can't we work it out?

像你这种人,我怎能跟你谈道呢?How could I talk about Tao with you?

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“我的肘部可能都已经碰到了它的眼睛”,克雷格谈道。"I could have touched its eye with my elbow, " says Craig.

他在竞选宣言中谈道,我将是我们所热爱的足球的激情洋溢的公仆。I will be the passionate and unprejudiced servant of the football we all love.

“你应该对于城市面对困难所作的准备给与一个高分评价。”布雷彻先生谈道。"You have to give the city good marks in terms of being prepared, " said Mr Brecher.

问题和解决方案之间的这种不匹配被我和其他人谈道至今已经有一阵子了。This mismatch between problem and solution has been remarked on by me and others for a while now.

杰森•卡森谈道,现在,异性夫妇拥有的一些选择和受保护的权利,同性夫妇也同样拥有。Jason Carson said now gay couples will have the same choices and protections afforded straight couples.

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Kraemer先生继续谈道,平衡音量的大小是处理过程的一部分,但同时你又不想让电视声音变得单薄干涩。Evening out the highs and lows is part of the process, but you also don’t want TV to sound flat, he said.

你需要安静,习惯安静,”古钟表修复专家王津在电影中谈道。You need to be quiet and getused to being quiet, " Wang Jin, an ancient clock repair expert, says in themovie."

波尔中士谈道,那次以后,“只要开了炮,我们就得跑开,找合适地方藏身。From then on, Behr related, "as soon as we fired our guns, we had to run again, and look for a good place to hide."

“我想看到图比史密斯,里克皮蒂诺,汤姆艾佐,罗伊威廉姆斯和比利多诺万,”ESPN的大卫索普谈道。"I would love to see Tubby Smith, Rick Pitino, Tom Izzo, Roy Williams or Billy Donovan, " says ESPN's David Thorpe.

但是,谈判“促成协议的速度太慢”,布朗继续谈道,这也是他呼吁各国领袖亲自参与的原因。But negotiators were "not getting to agreement quickly enough", Brown went on, which was why he was appealing for leaders to get involved personally.

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“透明度提供读者以信息,以此她可以不受经常存在的偏见的潜移默化的影响,”他在去年的一篇博文中谈道。“Transparency gives the reader information by which she can undo some of the unintended effects of the ever-present biases,” he said in a blog post last year.

“我常觉得用英文提倡‘社会主义核心价值观’的运动给外国游客留下了负面印象,”米基谈道。"I have often thought that the use of campaigns in English to promote 'core socialist values' leaves a negative impression among foreign visitors, " Michie said.

10月,戈贝尔先生创立了年轻创业者理事会,“意在促使简历驱动的社会转型为人们自创工作的社会,”他兴致勃勃地谈道。In October, Mr. Gerber started the Young Entrepreneur Council “to create a shift from a résumé-driven society to one where people create their own jobs,” he says.

丰田在与委员会成员的交流过程中,Waxman和Stupak谈道丰田公司高层对于造成汽车加速失控的原因,高层表示“很难很难去界定。”In the meeting with committee staff members, Mr. Waxman and Mr. Stupak said company officials had said the causes of sudden acceleration were “very, very hard to identify.”

“我们对苹果独立调查的结论、史蒂夫的正直品质与领导苹果的能力信心十足。”董事会声明中如此谈道。"We have complete confidence in the conclusions of Apple's independent investigation, and in Steve's integrity and his ability to lead Apple, " the board said in a statement.

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“2008年中国宏观调控经济政策应包含迅速上升的消费者价格和固定资产价格并降低通货膨胀压力”书中谈道。"The first priority for China's macro control policies in 2008 should be to contain the fast rises in consumer and asset prices and ease inflationary pressure, " the book said.

商务机之王黑莓始终是个完善的平台尤其对商务人士来说,“Golvin谈道“它是处理电邮日程的最佳选择。”The dean of business phones, BlackBerry is "still a really good platform, especially if you're a business user, " says Golvin. "It's the best solution for e-mail, calendar and managing your day."