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他坐下来。He sat down.

我慢了下来。I slow down.

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纽黑文住下来。In New Haven.

记录下来。Note it down.

我停不下来I cannot stop.

我活下来了。I survived it.

慢了下来It slows down.

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全部记录下来。Record it all.

把这一页抄下来。Copy this page.

让我们坐下来详谈。Let us sit down.

奈妲冷静下来。Naida grew calm.

走或者慢跑下来。Walk or jog down.

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你也坐下来吧。You sit down too.

地刷下来。Brushs down again.

那只鸟飞了下来。Down came the bird.

他把包放了下来。He dropped his bag.

我的泪水流下来。My tears flow down.

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把仪器抬下来…Take down the tool.

那让我冷静下来。That calms me down.

天塌下来了!The sky is falling!