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这种肥皂泡沫很多。This soap lathers so nicely.

肥皂泡入眼会降低视力吗?Can lathery pleasant to see reduce vision?

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斯波坎河有一个肥皂泡沫问题。The Spokane river had a soap-scum problem.

其他人只能看着肥皂泡或闻着肥皂味。Others only looked at the soap or sniffed it.

肥皂泡破的时候会发出爆破声,但你几乎听不见。When they burst they go pop, but you can hardly hear it.

描述定义它和解剖肥皂泡泡一样吃力不讨好。Defining it is as unrewarding as dissecting a soapbubble.

涂在湿的皮肤上,产生丰富的肥皂泡,然后冲洗清洁。Apply to wet skin, work into a rich lather and rinse clean.

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华华的肥皂泡折射出苏堤的影子。The Su Causeway is refracted in soap bubbles made by Huahua.

孩子们喜欢从管中吹出有彩虹色的肥皂泡泡。Children enjoy spitting out iridescent soap pockets from pipes.

在肥皂泡一样的驾驶舱罩里,上校扫描着阴暗的森林。Under his bubble canopy, the Colonel scans the gloom of the forest.

这些特写表现了肥皂泡不同的一面,包涵表面的结构。The close-ups show a different side to bubbles, with the surface textures

拥有肥皂泡巾,您就可以重新拥有清新、柔嫩、光滑、年轻的肌肤。You owe it to yourself to rejuvenate, refresh and renew with Lather Cloth.

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为什么不论肥皂是什么颜色的,肥皂泡总是白色的?How come soap bubbles are always white no matter what the colour of the soap?

在湿头发上面搓洗发水的时候,你会得到由小气泡组成的肥皂泡沫。Rub shampoo into wet hair and you’ll form a lather containing small air bubbles.

在自然界中,肥皂膜和肥皂泡体现了莫佩蒂的最小作用量原理。In nature, soap membrane and bubble embody P. Maupertuis' Least Action Principle.

大部分行星状星云呈椭圆形或雪茄形,但肥皂泡星云呈现出一种罕见的球形。Most are elliptical or cigar-shaped, but the Soap Bubble Nebula is a rare sphere.

政策轨迹的不确定性使市场像在肥皂泡中。This uncertainty about the path of policy has had the markets in a bit of a lather.

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她还希望自己老板的那些不合实际的想法能像肥皂泡一样自己破掉。She also hoped her supervisor's bubble would burst from its own structural weakness.

为了逗我笑,父亲从一根长长的吸管里,把肥皂泡吹进那带虹彩色泽的天地之间。To amuse me, Father blew soap bubbles into the rainbow- hued space from a long straw.

这种泡沫辅助剂能够让那些微小的肥皂泡泡们在整个清洁过程中保持稳定。This foaming aide keeps those tiny soap bubbles stable throughout the cleanup process.