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我的房间很小,使我有困居斗室之感。My room was so small that I felt fenced in.

她身居斗室,感到很闷气。Living in that small flat,she feels boxed in.

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我独自走进我的小斗室。I let myself into my tiny little studio, all alone.

不管是斗室还是大屋,我都可以显示出你的碳脚印。I can give you your carbon footprint by cubicle, or by room.

在这里,他们必须与其他十多名笼民挤在一间斗室里。To do so, they must join a dozen other caged men in a communal area.

在阿波罗神庙的背面有一个斗室间,只许最高祭司出进。In the rear of the Temple of Apollo was a room that only the high priest could enter.

小心使用红色,它能使你的房间更富有情趣,尽管它会使斗室间看起来显得更小。Used with caution it can enrich although it does tend to make small rooms even smaller.

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就是在那个斗室里,他们勤奋地工作着,憧憬着美好的未来。It was in that small room that they worked diligently and dreamed of better days to come.

今天下午在作战计划处的斗室里他从上级嘴里听到一个很意外的消息。In his War Plans cubbyhole that afternoon, he had received an unexpected word from on high.

她们在自己的斗室里忍受着多种多样的折磨,那是外人无从知道并且她们自己也永远不该说出的。In their cells, they deliver themselves up to many unknown macerations, of which they must never speak.

1983年,妇产科医生哈瓦•阿迪在索马里首都摩加迪沙成立了一家只有一间斗室的诊所。Hawa Abdi is an obstetrician and gynecologist who in 1983 established a one-room clinic near Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

每一夜,小说家和他自己搏斗,在斗室内,像挖掘壕沟那样地起运著胸膛内的土……。Every night the novelist is fighting with himself in a confined space, taking out soil from his heart like he is excavating a ditch.

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拿了压岁钱,我速即到斗室间,拿出钱,把红包一扔,马上把1200元钱揣在兜里。Got lucky money, I immediately went to the small room, come up with money to fling red immediately to 1,200 yuan in pocket money Chuai.

最后,本文选取耐克公司“恐惧斗室”电视广告的接受行为进行个案分析,检验文化产品接受行为中文化互动的理论探讨,并总结出此个案中文化互动的自身特点。In the end, Nike's television advertising called "Chamber of Fear" will be used as a case study to examine the theory discussed above and summarizing the characteristic of this case.

依窗观望,玫瑰花分明心有所盼,正在等待我为它送上第一声问候,可我却踌躇不决,不敢步出斗室,走到花园里去,当面向它致意。I looked at the rose through the window, but I hesitated to go out into the garden and address it directly, although it was waiting there in evident expectation of a first act of homage.

可是事实是他打啦几份暂时工,诸如在38度高温下衣着小鸡地服装为一家在日落年夜道拐角处地饭馆工作并和8小我住在一个斗室间。But what really happen was that he took such odd jobs as wearing a chicken costume for a restaurant on the corner of Sunset Boulevard at 38 degrees and sharing a small room with 8 other guys.