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这诗是写实的。This poetry is realistic.

比起写实派,我更喜欢抽象派。I prefer abstract to realism.

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秦兵马俑是非常写实的。These terra cotta warriors are very life-like.

毫无疑问,这应是一个写实的故事。It should be a warts-and-all story, hands down.

由超现实的传奇故事向写实性的“天然图画”发展。A change from surrealistic legends to realistic works.

这诗是写实的.我不太喜欢它.This petry is realistic. Idon't care for it very much.

池莉是新写实小说的代表作家。Pond Li are new practical novel representative the writer.

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日常家居生活的写实画。A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life.

剪纸粗犷,又不同江南的工巧、写实。Paper-cut rough, but also different Jiangnan Gongqiao, realism.

这个梦有点像英雄传奇,以非常写实的细节描述了一个个人的长篇故事。In this case the story in the dream was about my journey to China.

现代学者希望圣经能像牛津百科全书一般写实,但怎么可能?Modern scholars want the Bible to be like the Oxford Encyclopedia.

色调的更换将给予照片一种神秘超写实的视感。The color change will give the photo a surreal and mysterious look.

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“新写实主义”是现实主义和现代主义的第二次交叉。"New Realism Novels"mark the second cross of modernism and realism.

这麽写实的程度,对研发自动闭路电视系统很有益处。Such realism is useful in the development of automated CCTV systems.

“新写实”、“晚生代”、“时尚文学”成为其重要组成部分。"New realism" and "the modern literature" became its important parts.

在新写实作家群中,池莉有其非常突出的独特性。CHI Li, a female writer, stands out among the neo-realistic novelists.

第三章探讨了新写实文学思潮对电影的影响。Chapter III discusses the affection of New Realism Literature on Film.

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电视是写实的镜头艺术,再现生活真实,具有逼真性。TV is a realistic lens art reproduction of real life, with verisimilitude.

这种写实抽象的方法,谭天称其为“宏远”。This method of "Realist Abstraction", was named by Tan Tian as "Macro-Far".

作家被评论界称为新写实代表作家之一。She is regarded as one of the representative writers of the neo-realist group.