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为乘客遮挡风吹日晒的惟有一张帆布篷而已。A simple canopy helps block the sun and wind.

因为风吹日晒,大家都晒成了古铜色。All were tanned to the color of bronze from wind and sun.

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经过长年累月的风吹日晒,那座古塔依然竖立在那里。The ancient tower still stops up,exposed to the weather for ages.

一个泰迪熊被挂在伊扎特家门前风吹日晒“饱经风霜”。A weather-beaten teddy bear hangs from the front of Izet Sina's home.

他那风吹日晒的脸从他那土灰暗淡的宽沿帽下露了出来。His sun-wizened face peeked out from under his dusty, faded, wide-brimmed hat.

这与遗传、风吹日晒,当然,还有你对皮肤的护理有关。Heredity, exposure to the elements, and, of course, the way you care for your skin.

作为他们的儿女,有没有想过风吹日晒,汗流浃背的父亲呢?As their sons and daughters have never thought of wind and sun, sweating of the father?

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不论风吹日晒我们都要去我们的美丽的学校,我们将花费一天的时间在学校。Everyday we go to our beautiful school in spite of rain or shine. We'll spend a whole day in school.

太阳能支架需长期承受风吹日晒,因此,它将涉及防腐蚀及在地面或平屋顶上的安装固定两个方面。The support must stand against the wind and the sun. Thereof, it must be anti-corrosion and fixed installation.

历经风吹日晒的黑色大理石地板将这个有覆盖的室外空间和室内完美地融合在一起。The weathered black marble floor is perfect to merge this covered outdoor space with the interior of the house.

在经过60多年的风吹日晒之后,美国“总统山”上的总统们要“洗洗脸”了。After more than 60 years of being exposed to the elements, the presidents of Mount Rushmore are getting a facial.

一直湿润而且没有风吹日晒的土壤,一旦把它放到室外可能会长出霉菌。Constantly damp soil without the exposure to the sunshine and wind it would be exposed to outdoors can lead to mold.

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仍是那种嘶哑的嗓子,仍是那个因风吹日晒而发黑起皱的额头,仍是那种放肆、散乱、浮动的目光。It was the same harsh voice, the same brow dimmed and wrinkled with tan, the same free, wild, and vacillating glance.

塞伦盖蒂的地貌,最初是由火山活动造成的,后来在风吹日晒和雨淋的协同作用下雕刻成形。Its landscape, originally formed by volcanic activity, has been sculptured by the concerted action of wind, rain and sun.

在小轿车里,你可以躲避风吹日晒,你有舒适的座位,充足的地方载人带物。In a car you are fortified from the weather, and have comfortable way and plentitude of room to carry grouping and luggage.

此外,有些骨头的保存状况极佳,但有些则可看出受过进一步的风吹日晒,表面严重蚀损。In addition, some bones were in exquisite condition, whereas others showed evidence of advanced weathering and surface degradation.

此外,长时间的风吹日晒及反复“日光浴”对老年人的皮肤养护有损无益,应尽可能避免。In addition, the prolonged and repeated wind and sun, "sun" on the skin and conservation to the detriment of older persons, should be avoided.

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长期的风吹日晒让爱车变得沧桑,尤其遇上酸雨酸雪,对车的腐蚀就更大。The long-term wind and sun so that car become sophisticated, particularly in case of acid rain, acid snow and corrosion of the car even greater.

你每天轻轻松松,不发一言,就有这么多人送来礼物,哪像我这么辛苦,风吹日晒才能温饱?You have an easy day, not saying a word, there are so many people brought gifts, which, as I work so hard, wind and sun to adequate food and clothing?

回头看看,即使过了那么多年,只要曼联有比赛他就会出现在看台上,每个周那个无比熟悉的面孔都出现在那个位子上,不论风吹日晒,不管阴晴圆缺,他一直在那里看着曼联,现今已经74岁高龄的他依旧为曼联那些事务操劳忙碌着。Looking on after all the years, is a familiar face who sit in the stand week in and week out, now at the age of 74 he continues with his United affair.