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他的刑期还没满。His term of imprisonment hasn't expired yet.

呃,我的刑期快到了,我想处理一下。Ehh, my sentence is coming, I want to handle it.

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她刚服完了一个月的刑期。She has just completed an 12- month jail sentence.

监狱刑期也变长了,他叹道。And prison sentences have become longer, he lamented.

商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达7年。The maximum penalty for industrial espionage is 7 years.

费克图在狱中服了19年零14天的刑,而他的刑期是二十年。Fecteau had served 19 years and 14 days of his 20year sentence.

服满十年刑期后,他从监狱里被放出来。He was released from prison after serving a sentence of ten years.

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24岁的罗汉今天开始在加州林伍德开始她的刑期。Lohan, 24, is due to start her jail term in Lynwood, California, today.

但是,没有理由再让此人继续关押,承受超过他应得刑期的牢狱之苦了。But this is no reason to keep a man locked up for longer than he deserves.

牛玉强和律师坚持认为他的刑期到2008年就应该结束了。Niu and his lawyer insist that his sentence should have been over in 2008.

不过,法院还会决定是否合并这两个案件的刑期。It has not yet decided if it will combine the prison terms for the two cases.

法官判定这位酒店继承人重返监狱服完45天的刑期。A judge ordered the hotel heiress back to jail serving out her 45-day sentence.

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吉迪恩照做了,结果一败涂地,不仅被定罪,而且被判处了最高的5年刑期。Gideon did so, badly, and was convicted and sentenced to the maximum, five years.

为此社区站出来大声疾呼,而检控官也就该刑期判决进行上诉。The community stood up and spoke out, and the Crown sought to appeal the sentence.

此人目前尚未服满三年六个月刑期,罪名是“企图颠覆国家”。Hu is serving three-and-a-half years in jail for "inciting to subvert state power".

后来法官又提出,如果克拉克肯扮做“安全小狗”的话,那么其刑期还可以额外被减去20天。The judge then offered to cut an additional 20days if Clarkdre es up as Safety Pup.

杰姆现在隐藏在法国,以逃避国内23年刑期。Cem is currently hiding out in France, avoiding a 23-year prison sentence back home.

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在南非,所有的刑期都是一次执行完毕,25年一年也不能少。In South Africa, all sentences run concurrent, and 25 years actually means 25 years.

约翰逊督促政治家提高对被判犯有枪支罪者的刑期。Johnson urged politicians to increase sentences for people found guilty of gun crimes.

后来法官又提出,如果克拉克肯扮做“安全小狗”的话,那么其刑期还可以额外被减去20天。The judge then offered to cut an additional 20 days if Clark dresses up as Safety Pup.