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大火迎面烧来。The fire burned head on.

这两辆汽车迎面相撞。The two cars met head-on.

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她砰地把门朝我迎面关上。She banged the door to me.

迎面吹来阵阵凉风。The cool wind blown head on.

迎面是巨大的假山。In the face of enormous rockery.

这两辆汽车迎面错过。The two cars crossed on the road.

啊,迎面是刺眼的窗子Before me there are dazzling windows

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那两辆车以高速迎面碰在一起。The two cars met head-on at high speed.

我可以觉出风迎面吹来。I could feel the wind blowing on my face.

嘉莉打开前窗,迎面吹来一阵南风。The first teed off into a strong cross wind.

春风迎面吹来。The spring wind blew directly into our faces.

迎面忽然过来一中年男子抢走了艾米的行礼箱。Head suddenly come to a man robbed Amys salute box.

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我在前面一站下了车,转身迎面朝他们走过去。I get off at the next stop and walk back toward them.

两个沈思的妇女彼此迎面走近。Two women, both lost in thought, walk toward each other.

而碧血黄沙,万众屏息的斗牛场面在音乐里又向我们迎面扑来。And the impassioned corrida scene come from the music to us.

迎面走来一个风趣的人,和他/她进行攀谈。When an interesting person comes along, have a conversation.

他迎面对我一顿痛骂,这使我很难过。He greeted me with a stream of abuse, which made me feel sad.

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他跑过拐角处时迎面撞在灯柱上。He ran round the corner and banged straight into a lamp-post.

步下飞机,迎面袭来的热带暑气将我整个人罩住。Stepping out of the aircraft, I was enveloped by tropical heat.

我打开门,一股从沙漠吹来的风迎面扑到我的脸上。I opened the door and was hit in the face by a gust of desert air.