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译作不可随意增减伸缩。Translation is not scalable.

她的译作得以出版。And she's getting it published.

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译作是潜在的稀有商品。Translation is a potentially scarce item.

这篇译作紧扣原文。The translation follows closely the original.

“断肠人懒揩流泪眼”?若如此,可否译作。I am too heartbroken to wipe tears out at all ?

戴望舒是中国现代著名诗人、译作家。Dai Wangshu was a famous poet and translator in China.

那时中国刚刚实行改革开放,国内的杂志上出现了许多科幻译作。A lot of Sci-fi translations appeared in Chinese magazines.

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朗姆酒又译作兰姆酒,是糖蜜蒸馏酒。Rum and translation lamb wine, is molasses distillation wine.

第6节译作「执事」的那个字,意思是「作服侍的人」。The word "minister" in verse 6 is our word "deacon" and means "one who serves".

这也是我的名字,译作米高,中国人觉得很好玩。It's also my name. It translates to Tall Rice and Chinese people find it hilarious.

英诗汉译作为译学界一个不小的领域,其难度更是可想而知。The translation of English poetry into Chinese is quite difficult in translation practice.

如果你正在为一个最终客户工作,那你就应该安排别人来阅读一下你的译作。If you are working for a final client, you should arrange for someone else to read your job.

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Bentley又译作本特利,以豪华、奢侈闻名的富豪概念车,英国女王指定御驾。Bentley is famous for its luxurious, rich concept car. It's also the car that the British Queen uses.

在过去一个月西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的两本新译作在美国上架。During the past month two new translations of Sigmund Freud made their appearance on U. S. bookstalls.

通过那本译作,她对梅乐斯的印象是“他是位尽职尽责的优秀海军军官。”Her impression of Miles from that translation was "he was an excellent naval officer doing a great job.

本文重点探讨三位英国汉学家的译学与译作。The thesis penetrates into the translation principles and the translations of the three British sinologists.

译者舒逊先生的译作明白晓畅,忠实地传达了原作的内容和风格。The translation of Mr. Shu Xun is clear and fluent, transmitting the content and style of the original work faithfully.

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血液变得越来越粘稠,使得很难被泵到全身,所以你的心率会加快译作补偿。Blood becomes thicker and stickier, making it harder to pump around the body, so your heart rate increases to compensate.

目前已有对英译寒山诗研究多集中于史奈德24首经典译作,对其它英译版本则发掘不深。Much attention has been paid to 24 pieces of classical poems of Snyder, whereas other English versions have been ignored.

林文月的散文,受到日本文学译作的影响,表现在审美意识、语言表述上最为明显。The most apparent influences lied in the sense of beauty appreciation and language expression and description in her prose.