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她的红铜色头发飞扬着。Her coppery hair danced about her head.

红铜色的天空,阴影出现,叹息桥。Copper sky, shadows rise, bridge of sighs.

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不管我们是白,或是红铜色的肤色。For whether we are white or copper skinned.

研磨红铜叉,镀银上镀铑,120线孔,螺丝锁紧。One 120 cable terminating hole with set screw.

阀门特性,青铜,黄统,红铜和铸铁。Valve Properties Bronze, Brass, Copper and Iron.

油性皮肤韩国化妆品排行榜色素较深,为淡揭色或褐色,甚至为红铜色。Oily darker skin pigment, exposing for the light brown color or even red copper.

城门用红铜铸成,雕着海龙和飞龙。It was wrought out of red bronze, and carved with sea-dragons and dragons that have wings.

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这款钟由特别为儿童设计的大木块数字和红铜指针组成。Especially designed for kids, the clock consists of big wooden numbers and red metal hands.

孟买猫柔滑、光亮的黑色披毛和牠红铜色的眼睛,令牠看似一只小型的黑豹。The Bombay's sleek, glossy black coat and copper eyes make it resemble a miniature black panther.

它的身体由金色魅影、银彩和红铜色水晶制成,配以浅红色水晶。Its body glows in faceted Golden Shine, Satin and Copper crystal, with a Light Siam red crystal back.

阀体、阀盖、附属件和控制止回阀均符合美国材料试验协会ASTM的半红铜合金分类标准。Valve Body, Cover, Tailpiece and Control Stop shall be in conformance with ASTM Alloy Classification for Semi-Red Brass.

研磨红铜加大叉,镀银上镀铑,25“线孔本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览。CCMS RXL-L Mike Colver extra large, milled spade, billet Copper, Rhodium over Silver plate. One25" cable terminating hole".

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红铜金叉,镀银上镀铑,黄铜套,10“线孔本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览。GRS 9R 9mm two piece, stamped spade, Copper, Rhodium over Silver plate. Brass sleeve, Gold plate. One 10" cable terminating hole."

铜制的屋顶有些倾斜悬空,从多个角度看都非常有趣,就像一个正在飞行的红铜色纸飞机。The copper roofs to be sure, are a little unsettled, sloping and interesting in too many ways, like a flight of copper-colored paper airplane.

青铜器是人类历史上一项伟大发明,它是红铜和锡、铅的合金,也是金属治铸史上最早的合金。Bronze is the history of mankind a great invention, it is copper and tin, lead alloys, but also the history of the earliest metal governance alloy casting.