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这回她总算是如愿以偿了。Well the woman almost got her wish.

但是其分配方式未能如愿以偿。But it is not distributed as they would like.

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突然间她如愿以偿地看到了色彩。And suddenly she can actually see color as well.

为了如愿以偿,许愿者绝不能把愿望告诉别人。For the wish to come true, it must be kept secret.

上个月,这对情侣终于如愿以偿在爱丁堡举行婚礼。The couple finally married last month in Edinburgh.

点都好啦,希望一齐顺利并如愿以偿。I just hope my first streetball show time, with KpS.

他们是否能如愿以偿地得到大批的黄金呢?Whether they can and got a large number of gold then?

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你终于如愿以偿得到了晋升,现在你是新官上任的老板了。You finally got that promotion and now you're the new boss.

他见如愿以偿之后,就立刻破涕为笑。He have got one's wish after, immediately smile through tears.

一名富翁如愿以偿地娶到了一位美丽的女影星。A wealthy man fruitfully married a beautiful female movie star.

虽然没有如愿以偿的考上大学部,但是。Although not satisfied, but admitted the undergraduate program.

然而,所有的数字家园掘金者至今尚未如愿以偿。However, all the figures have yet to come home braving persons.

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这是我们所追求的世界,但我们只有携手共进才能如愿以偿。That is the world we seek. But we can only achieve it together.

若诸神要惩罚我等,必先让我等如愿以偿。When the gods wish to punish us, we must first make our prayers.

而今天他们也如愿以偿地拿到了关键的三分。But they also fruitfully had attained today the key three points.

初夏里的一天,我终于如愿以偿,来到达坂城。Today, I finally achieved what I wished and arrived at Dabancheng.

我们期待一场白热化的搏杀,但是,我们并没如愿以偿。We all wanted a heated, spirited game, and we didn't really get one.

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这样那些不能通过别的方式,筹到钱的人可以如愿以偿It makes it possible for people to borrow who otherwise couldn't borrow.

畏惧感是阻碍我们如愿以偿的主要原因。Fear is the one main reason that holds us back from getting what we want.

我向望着离奇浪漫的生活,不久,我果然在路易斯安那州明媚的天空下如愿以偿。I wanted romance and i soon found it under the smiling skies of louisiana.