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中国的一位经理形容,这就像“攻城略地”。It's a “land-grab situation”, says a Chinese executive.

他们会继续攻城略地,在某些情况下,取代我们。They will continue to gain ground and, in some cases, overtake us.

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事实上穆斯林使他们热衷于攻城略地。The fact that they were Muslim made them more appetizing to conquer, not less.

我梦想成为销售人员,在商场上体会攻城略地的刺激。I dream of becoming sales personnel, in business experience GongChengLveDe stimulation.

与此同时,CNN却不断被其更为尖锐的竞争对手攻城略地。CNN, meanwhile, continues to lose out to its more strident rivals, in prime time at least.

在国际汽车厂商进入中国攻城略地的热潮中,中国市场正逐渐发展成为全球竞争最激烈的汽车市场之一。As international auto manufacturers came into china rapidly and prosperously, China is becoming one of the most fiercest competitive auto market in the world.

过去几年里宏基收购了PC厂商Gateway和Packard-Bell,在美国市场攻城略地,不断缩窄同惠普和戴尔的差距.Over the past few years, Acer acquired PC makers Gateway and Packard-Bell, dramatically expanding its footprint in the U.S. market and narrowing the gap with HP and Dell.

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这种游戏的玩法与其它一些攻城略地的经典棋盘游戏差不多,如今正风靡各大校园。Of this kind of game employ law and other the classical chessboard game of a few take cities and seize territory is about the same, nowadays fashionable garden of each senior colonel.

这是票房对家庭影院的伟大胜利,而在最近几年里,家庭影院和在线视频不断攻城略地,削减了不少票房来源。Any box-office increase is a victory for movie theaters, which until last year had been losing viewers to home theater systems and an expanding lineup of movies on cable and the Internet.

这难道就是政治的正义吗?如果一个政权处决杀人者,监禁抢劫犯,然后又攻城略地,滥杀掠夺?。Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer, and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills?

如果你学会了如何谱写自己的人生,那么你一点也不比著书立说者甚至攻城略地者逊色。If you have known how to compose your life, you have done a great deal more than the person who knows how to compose a book. You have done more than the one who has taken cities and empires.

相传,近藤信竹每次进攻某地之前,都会叫人带着此物件在目的地闲逛一圈,攻城略地便多了几分胜算。According to legend, JinTeng letter bamboo each attack before, can call a person somewhere with this object at the destination GongChengLveDe then wandered lap, much a few minutes in the running.