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我要看着他浑身战抖。I shall see him tremble.

那只青蛙因为看到了蛇而战抖。The frog is frightened at the sight of a snake.

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西狄奇库利巴利明显地在战抖,因为他等待着令人害怕的新闻。Sidiki Coulibaly was visibly shaken as he waited for the dreaded news.

甚至于我在战壕中不由自主地战抖时,我也不会忘记你的脸。Not even as Is hook and trembled uncontrollably in the trenches, did I forget your face.

Buck漫无目的地徘徊在帐篷周边,耷拉着尾巴,身体因寒冷而战抖着,被遗弃了一般。With drooping tail and shivering body, very forlorn indeed, he aimlessly circled the tent.

但是,马太福音的作者却注重在士兵的反应,他们害怕、战抖,好像死人一样。But Matthew seemed to focus more on the soldiers. They were afraid, trembled and became like dead men.

黑夜笼罩了他的乐观情绪,潮冷的空气也使人战抖不已。他用手紧紧抱住前胸,回忆起故乡的往事。NIGHT CLOUDED his optimism. Unable to stop shivering in the damp air, he hugged his arms around his chest and thought of home.

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今日,我们每一个人都需要某些帮助。让我们伸手紧握神有力的、满有慈爱的双手,祂必握著我们战抖的手不放。Each one of us needs some type of help today. Let us reach out for God's strong, loving hands. He'll hold on to our trembling hands.

然后他们都静了下来,笨拙的站著,而唯一的声音是乔纳斯战抖的呼吸声,他正努力的不哭出来。Then they were all silent, standing awkwardly, and the only sound was the sound of Jonas's shuddering breaths. He was struggling not to cry.

走路怕遇见马路杀手,见到女司机她全身战抖,尤其是打着电话开车的女司机。Be afraid of on foot encounter driveway killer, see a chauffeuse tremble of her whole body, hitting the chauffeuse that the phone drives especially.

在今天这个宁静的下午,我一想到目前上百万人正在何等苦境中挣扎,以及万一饥荒在目前这个时期降临世界将会造成何等后果,就忍不住全身战抖。When I stand here this quiet afternoon I shudder to visualizewhat is actually happening to millions now and what is going tohappen in this period when famine stalks the earth.

不错,即使「列国动摇」、「地虽改变」、「水虽匉訇翻腾」、「山虽因海涨而战抖」的情况今天仍然存在,但「万军之耶和华与我们同在」。Sure, "nations are in uproar, " the earth gives way, "waters roar and foam, " and "mountains quake" even today. But in spite of all that happens, "the LORD Almighty is with us.

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阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔恰恰是心怀恐惧,周身战抖,并且事实上缓慢而勉强地伸出他那死人一般冰冷的手,触摸到海丝特·白兰的发凉的手。It was with fear, and tremulously, and, as it were, by a slow, reluctant necessity, that Arthur Dimmesdale put forth his hand, chill as death, and touched the chill hand of Hester Prynne.

他紧张得周身战抖,面色灰白,生怕他的舌头会不经他的认可,就会自作主张地说出那些可怕的言辞。He absolutely trembled and turned pale as ashes, lest his tongue should wag itself, in utterance of these horrible matters, and plead his own consent for so doing, without his having fairly given it.